Best headlamp (waterproof with replaceable batteries)

Zebralight is hard to beat. I have a few different brands but usually come back to my Zebralight.
+1 on the Petzl Core.
Same here: Love the Petzl Actic and Actic Core. Simple intuitive toggle button, red light for duck and ungulate hunting. Sometimes wish the battery runtime was a little longer, especially on the full 450 lumen (think it's max 2 hours with the Core battery). Al's had them for half off a few months ago and scooped up a few for like $35, couldn't beat that
is anyone still running the Peax Backcountry duo headlamp? I'm curious if folks are still happy with them?

I think the best approach is 2 headlamps. I have a cheap Amazon Peak style that has lasted over a year with hard use. Previously I have had Black Diamond, Zebra and Nitecores quit on me. Usually when you really need it.
is anyone still running the Peax Backcountry duo headlamp? I'm curious if folks are still happy with them?

There is a recent post about them just do a search.
My zebralight is simply not working this year. Battery seems to charge fine. Do the bulbs break or fail on these? How would I check what it is? I just don't love it yet. Can only choose floody or spot and can't adjust the beam like my older black diamond etc.
Zebralight is the only one that left me walking in the dark. When mine failed, it took two 18650s with it by the time I realized they were being drained to zero volts upon insertion. Some sort of short, not sure where.
I tried a few different headlamps and once I started using the Fenix HM65R, I have not touched my other headlamps. I would highly recommend taking a look at Fenix. Well worth the money in my opinion.
For the money, the Sofirn and I have expensive headlamps including two Zebralights.
Sofirn has been an excellent light for me over the years. I used the Petzl Iko Core this season and really like it. It's the most comfortable headlamp I've used and puts out a great beam while sipping battery power. I used the internal battery pack, but you can use AAA'S in it as well. I recommend you try to find a shop that carries them and go try one.

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I've got a couple of the Sofirn lanterns and headlamps that I use for camping in the Everglades.
Solid lights, and the price is right.