Best electronic caller


Jun 12, 2020
And BTW, if you have good camo and are OK with having the coyote actually come right up towards you yourself... then I'd also recommend the lil mini PocketPrey eCaller! That thing has surprised me! Runs just off a 9v battery.

I bought the original, which does this sorta baby rabbit in distress sequence. the newer one does like 3 different sounds. And because of the limited sounds it does which only make use of the higher parts of the frequency range, it can get away with using such a small speaker driver, since the driver only needs to be concerned with the higher freq sounds.

But what's clutch is that it's soo small you can just always have it with you, which gives you the opportunity to make any outing then turn into predator calling. So just before my deer season started last year... on a scouting trip.. I noted a spot where JackRabbits came out into the road due to my headlights in the AM. So made mental note to try calling around that spot on the way back out. So because I had that little eCaller with me, I was able to score, and without having to blow on a caller, which was helpful as my lungs weren't doing soo hot at the time.

And PS... their claim about it working on rabbits IS TRUE!

EDIT: Oh wow... looks like they now also offer a unit that has the original sound, but then also two other sounds geared towards Turkey hunting too! Hmmph.. whaddaya know!

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