Best Eating Upland Bird Poll

Which one do you like best?

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Irish Miner

Feb 17, 2017
Copper Town
I've probably missed a couple, but the post from RockAndSage about chukar got me thinking...

I had some sage grouse the other night and it was excellent! Despite all the reviews I've seen, I was really surprised how good it was. So good the wife ate the leftovers for breakfast the next day. I marinated it in ginger ale, 7Up and a bit of soy sauce before cooking to medium rare on the Treager skewered with some red onion and bell peppers.

I think sharptail is my personal favorite. I've never tried ptarmigan or woodcock, but hope to someday.

Let's hear your thoughts.
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Jan 12, 2024
Gulf Coast
Not exactly upland but a Dove breast wrapped in bacon and a jalapeno, placed
on a skewer and grilled is pretty dang good.
Turkey aint bad neither.
Never had a chance at those on the list.
Irish Miner

Irish Miner

Feb 17, 2017
Copper Town
Anybody who answers Sage Grouse must have a seriously bad case of Covid. I would seek help. We tried to eat one my brother shot in MT and it tasted like, well, something I've never tasted before as I've never eaten dog turds.
I was leary, but cleaned them quickly, threw them on ice and then marinated like mentioned. I was quite surprised. but yeah - in general... most say no bueno.
Jan 12, 2024
Gulf Coast
I remember eating Bobwhite quail when we actually had them. Very Good!!!
Things used to be everywhere. Seen a lone male here by the house the other day.
First one I've seen in years. We used to do pretty good hunting them with pellet rifles
when we were kids.
Never thought they would disappear.
Feb 13, 2019
I really like woodcock but not enough to vote for it. Breaded and then fried makes for a great appetizer.

Would be nice if people put some recipe ideas as well, I would bet we all get stuck making the same few recipes and the google machine typically spits out complicated recipes than I would want to try.

'Chicken' Parmesan, nuggets, etc is stand by for my house. Garlic Parmesan White Wine sauce is great for pheasants and grouse, typically make mashed potatoes and vegetables with it. Google it, a few variations come up but all essentially the same. EDIT: To be clear the standard is typically just seasoned and cast iron pan but, I like to eat the birds I shoot more than one way. Maybe, I just shoot more birds than most lol

I am going to pluck a couple ruffed grouse this year. Anyone have suggestions for roasting one? The only thing I have stuffed birds with is bread stuffing for thanksgiving and those birds come from the store.

Edit: I can see suggesting a sauce has created a conversation piece. They don't require it but when you eat game a lot, I like to expand out more than just salt and pepper in cast iron. But, maybe I am in the minority of not wanting to eat the same meal on repeat.
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Sep 9, 2020
If you have to deep fry it or cover it in cream cheese to eat it, it's clearly not very good.

For ptarmagain breast I put a bit of butter, garlic and sage in a cast iron pan. Salt the breasts. Cook them to medium rare. Like a steak.


Aug 21, 2024
I’m in the camp that good birds don’t require sauces and other masking to make them good. To me good eating birds get dusted with flour, salt, and a little pepper and gently fried in lard.
Quail, grouse, pheasants, and doves get done this way at my house, on the bone for dove and quail. Don’t overcook and don’t forget the legs on grouse, pheasant, and quail.
I’m sure I’m in the minority but I’m a dark meat guy and I’ll take a dozen doves or 3 spruce hens over the others. Although Ruffed grouse or ptarmigan may be the perfect balance of not too dark but not white meat either.