Best Credit Card? What an oxymoron.

That would be a really bad month.

It is for everyone to honestly judge their financial position and spending habits prior to any type of loan situation. It is not wise for many people.
Most aren't and crap happens sometimes even if you do.
Only takes one month of things not going right and you can't pay it off in full.

Then you are the type of person that shouldn't be using them. If 1 month of your credit card limit screws you, the limit is too high and/or you have no financial discipline.
We use Discover for everything. Points build up pretty fast. We watch the rewards center where we can frequently get things like $100 certificate to a store for $80 in points, which increases the value. Couldn't tell you on interest rate because we pay it in full every month.

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I love the consumer protection of my credit cards, and use them to pay for pretty much everything (except tips, I prefer to tip in cash). However, a $2,000.00 credit card dept with an average interest rate, paying the minimum payment, while make no further purchases, will take 20+ years to pay off fully, due to the compounded interest. For those that cannot afford to pay off their credit card dept every month, it is modern day slavery. Like others here, I pay my credit card off every month. I also keep my credit card usage to about 2 to 3% so I maintain a stellar credit rating. I have gone up to 10% for large planned purchases and paying them off that month.

Like has been said numerous times in this thread, if you don't have the money to pay for it in full, don't make the purchase, until you do.
You have no protection if your debit card info gets stolen. Get something with decent cash back (Citi Double Cash for example) and pay it off every month.
You have no protection if your debit card info gets stolen. Get something with decent cash back (Citi Double Cash for example) and pay it off every month.

Incorrect, my wife has had her debit card compromised 3x. Got a new card same day twice, next day once while on vacation. Full refund of all funds, zero issues.
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Love all the debit card remarks. Not everyone is irresponsible at paying off debt. I have had Cc's for over 20 years and have paid exactly 0 dollars interest ever...
I have received 1000's of dollars in cash back over that time frame tho. If you are disciplined and not irresponsible, they are fantastic. I have an Ak air card for travel, ( free bags, miles and some airport perks). For fuel, I use a BofA card that gives 3% cash back on fuel and all other purchases usually go on a BofA platinum rewards card. Iirc 2.5% on all purchases. Be responsible, pay off cards at end of each billing cycle and enjoy all the perks offered because others can't be responsible.
It should go without saying that you should not get into a position where you are paying interest on a credit card. I know people who pay theirs off weekly just to be safe. Know thyself.

I booked 4 nights at a fairly nice hotel a few weeks ago. Didn't cost me a dime.
All of this is with the caveat that I've never carried a balance or paid interest.

I like the Alaska card. There's probably better deals out there, but I don't want to spend too much time or effort thinking about the small details of credit card rewards. That said, it is worth it to occasionally pay attention to the extra mileage alerts, 10 miles per dollar at Home Depot miraculously happened the week I took possession of a fixer-upper house.

The best thing about travel/mileage based cards is that they convince cheap guys like me that it's ok to travel. It's a lot easier to justify a trip to Adak or Belize when the airfare and baggage is covered for me and a companion. If it was straight cash-back I would just joylessly squirrel the returns away.
Depends on what you want to use it for, Navy fed has a few good ones but Amex has a few that gives 3% on gas and 6% on groceries. It can get dangerous quickly so I would recommend not getting them if you cant control spending.
I travel alot for work and the chase freedom and chase sapphire reserve/preferred combo I haven't paid for a personal plane ticket or hotel room in acouple years. Sapphire for restaurants and travel, Freedom for everything else. Seems crazy to spend money on an annual fee for a credit card but worth it, especially initially with their sign on bonuses. With all that being said its completely moot if you carry a balance.
Incorrect, my wife has had her debit card compromised 3x. Got a new card same day twice, next day once while on vacation. Full refund of all funds, zero issues.
He is very likely right, just because your wife happened to get the money back doesn’t mean her bank was contractually obligated to provide those funds to her.

Regardless, even if you happen to get the funds back, you are without your funds for the amount of time it takes to make resolution. Not so with a credit card.

Using a debit card in place of a credit card opens you up to fraud loss you would not be subject to with a credit card and is just not a smart thing to do. If you do that, make sure you have a segregated account with a minimal balance that does not have overdraft protection.