Best Buy Once, Cry Once Muzzleloader Legal in Every State?

Could prolly use my Hawken anywhere.
Got it sighted in today with a new peep and front sight.
Green Mtn. Long Range Hunter Barrel.
350gr. TC Maxi Hunters over a felt wad and 80gr. of Pyrodex Select.
No.11 CCI Magnum Cap.
Has anyone come up with the conclusion whether a Knight Ultralight #11 percussion ignition system is legal to use in Montana or not? Also would sub bases be legal to use?
If Montana is the one outlier, why not just skip it. i believe a 209 primed, loose powder, 50 cal with iron sights should cover everything but Montana? Even if you have to buy a gun just for Montana, how much can it cost as it’s really low tech.
If Montana is the one outlier, why not just skip it. i believe a 209 primed, loose powder, 50 cal with iron sights should cover everything but Montana? Even if you have to buy a gun just for Montana, how much can it cost as it’s really low tech.
True. I’ve put in a lot of effort to build a muzzleloader that will be legal for Colorado, Idaho and New Mexico. I am planning to hunt Montana this year and just realized they have the heritage season so was just wanting to see if my Knight would cover that to give me one more option. The number 11 percussion system seems legal but I question whether it’s considered an inline type of gun or not.
Why don't you give them a call and see what they have to say? I've typical gotten good feedback when I called and asked questions, once even being told that the specific regulation i was asking about was confusing, so they gave me their enforcement approach in that region.