His head and neck were both massive according to the taxidermist. I don't have much first hand experience but thought they were big.. Haha
We got it done in Nevada, area 091 in the Pilot Mountain range. After torrential downpours for 48 hours straight, it finally broke and some bugling bulls were starting to get fired up. After a couple more days, we were able to call this stud in to about 50 yards with cow calls and bugling, in a very thick pinion forest. After letting out a gnarly bugle right in our faces, he saw us and finally stopped on a small dry creek bed, giving a 180 yard shot. A perfectly placed .308 shot with a Barnes 168 gr. TSX put him down in an instant, no tracking required! Little sis made and excellent shot and was a total stud carrying the cape and antlers out over a mile. Very fun hunt, they are truly amazing animals! 370" gross with two 22" fronts and a 48" spread!
can someone please explain to the old guys how to properly post pictures. pretend your talking to a 5 year old. i'm very good a tippin stuff over but I have 0 tech skills. thank you
can someone please explain to the old guys how to properly post pictures. pretend your talking to a 5 year old. i'm very good a tippin stuff over but I have 0 tech skills. thank you