Best binoculars around 1k?

Buy a used pair. That's where the best value is. Buy Vortex Razor HD with confidence, it is very good glass and you have the warranty. Worst case, you can resell it for what you paid, or if you watch, you can even make money on it.
Seriously? Buy Vortex with confidence?
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New, Maven B1.2 if you want something more compact, B2 if you aren’t concerned so much with size.

Used, Swaro SLC but you’re going to pay a little more than the 1k, probably 1200-1350ish for a good condition used pair of the last 2 versions of the SLC.

I’ve had the B1.2 in 8x and 10x. I currently have SLC in 8x and 10x. The Mavens hold their own against the SLCs. I do prefer the SLC eye relief and slightly better edge to edge and lowlight but the B1.2 definitely punch above their weight class.

I noticed the Mavens had a truer color rendition while the swaros green/yellows pop a bit more. Either way the are both solid Binos.
Any chance you have the 8s and would sell?
Vortex Razor HD's and Zeiss Conquest HD's in the $700-800 range are a great value. Both have outstanding optics. Vortex has come a long way. They are building some of the most advanced small arms optics in the world for the US Millitary. These optics are USA made (required by government contract). Furthermore, Vortex has taken a substantial share of the benchrest market and shooters are setting records with their optics.
Razor HD does not punch in the same weight class as a Maven B2 or B1.2 or Zeiss Conquest or GPO HD or Kowa Prominar XD...the UHDs are in the conversation though not the HDs
If we are nitpicking you may be right, But practically speaking, if you have all of these side by side on a tripod you won't see something through one binocular that you can't see equally as well through the other. Even then, it's nitpicking. I've done so many times with my Tract Toric UHD, Meostar, ELSV, SLC, Leica Geovid, and Conquest HD.
If we are nitpicking you may be right, But practically speaking, if you have all of these side by side on a tripod you won't see something through one binocular that you can't see equally as well through the other. Even then, it's nitpicking. I've done so many times with my Tract Toric UHD, Meostar, ELSV, SLC, Leica Geovid, and Conquest HD.

I agree. At that level, you would need a side by side comparison to tell a difference and even then, you won't see much difference. There's alot a brand bias at these levels as well. As a musician and musical instrument trader for years, I learned to base my evaluative opinions on sound, playability, and build quality/condition; not the brand name. The brand name will, however, always impact value. I think this is why a brand like Maven is such a great value.
I've yet to see my first Maven. I really need to try one out. IMO them, Tract, and GPO HD's all offer terrific value and great glass. We live in an era of great choices at most any price point. I quit chasing absolute top end performance (and prices) a few years ago as the differences just aren't there anymore, at least for me.
If we are nitpicking you may be right, But practically speaking, if you have all of these side by side on a tripod you won't see something through one binocular that you can't see equally as well through the other. Even then, it's nitpicking. I've done so many times with my Tract Toric UHD, Meostar, ELSV, SLC, Leica Geovid, and Conquest HD.
You may see a minute or two longer with one vs. another but yah generally you're right. I don't think the conquest is in that convo though. The UHDs, B2s, EL SV, Meostar B1 Plus, I thought were all superior but maybe I haven't spent enough time behind them.
I've yet to see my first Maven. I really need to try one out. IMO them, Tract, and GPO HD's all offer terrific value and great glass. We live in an era of great choices at most any price point. I quit chasing absolute top end performance (and prices) a few years ago as the differences just aren't there anymore, at least for me.
Great choices at great price points, that's right. I've never chased the very best, just tried to upgrade and spread my money across all the equipment that will make my hunt better. I like to upgrading all my kit to very good, instead of having some crappy gear, but then have one very, very, very good pair of binos. There are diminishing returns buying the best of the best when looking at a hunt like that. I'd rather spend the extra money on tags this year than upgrade.

I think $1000 is a sweet spot for binos, especially if you buy used.

Maybe I will replace my current "good enough" pieces of kit over time. But, for now the Razor UHD are good enough that I am putting the extra money to improve other pieces of my kit, and to buy the next two years worth of primers, bullets, and powder. Not hoarding, just buying barrels worth and what I will actually use.

A lot of the arguments for buying Swaro are not as relevant as they once were. Look at the Swaro SLC of 20 years ago. Its still great glass, but other manufacturers have been able to produce nearly indistinguishable glass. And, of course, Swaro still owns the top of the line with NL Pures, but the extra cost for the gains isn't as necessary to hunt for game at the ranges.

If you specialize in glassing for Coues, guide professionally, or paid for an expensive hunt, then heck yeah, get the best. Definitely worth it. If you don't, then spend money on other good gear. Expensive rain gear will do more for your hunt than that extra $1500 in glass.

$1000 can get you very good glass that will allow you to spot game AND glass for days without getting a headache. That has changed in the last 5 years quite a bit. Improvements in manufacturing have improved across the board. Factory rifles are built to specs that the barrel is good enough to shoot long range. Triggers, actions, etc. are the same. The biggest drawback are still the cheap plastic stocks, but those are basically disposable.
“Around” $1k Buy a used pair of Swarovski. They come up for sale here and go quick. Which means if you ever run into a situation needing to sell them you can really quickly.

If “around $1k” means under then Meopta. Get them used and you can find them for 6-700 for 10x42s.
Maven b2 9x45. I've had them for 4 seasons and can't seem to get myself to want to try something else. Get them used... You'll get a great deal on great binos.

I'm going to be looking for some Maven b5 15x56 soon
In the market for new binos and I don’t have the money for swaros or zeiss what other brands would be comparable for around 1k. Thanks for the input. I want to get either 10 power or 12s.
The meopta's were on sale over the holidays for $1k but after the recent price increases the last year theyre all closer to $1.5-2k

Sig Sauer recently came out with the zulu10 which were 25% discounted but still around $1200 so a little past your budget.

Another option could be the nikon edg which could be had from Japan for around 1.4k so still past your budget.

I kind of agree that the best bang for your buck value is really Tract. And they have exceptional customer service too.