If you hunt with a buddy and a pissed off momma bear protecting her cubs is on one of you, would you not want the other to be able to stop the attack or even prevent it (preferably w/o killing her)? I go thru one area (en route to base camp) that is known for bear activity by a stream with tall reeds all around. I actually carry the spray in my hand when passing thru. You can believe you won't have time to deploy spray to justify not carrying it but the one day it could help you and you don't have it could aslso be your last. Worth the weight penalty IMO. It may not save you from a mauling but if you don't have it, it definitely won't. And then there's the whole peace of mind thing too. But you do need to know how to handle the damn thing so you don't learn the hard way like in the story above.
Your free to do what you want, but your giving spray to much credit. I've seen bears run right through it and not bat an eye. If you've ever seen a bear completely committed to charging and tearing something up you'd understand it's a freight train that needs to be met with equal violence.
If I was being malled and you pulled out spray and doused us with it, if I survived I would kick your ass, because it's sure as shit not going to get the bear off me if it's at that point.
Sprays good for a bear that's unsure of what it's going to do, once it's made its mind up to kill you, a shot of pepper spray isn't going to stop it.
The guy who sprayed it into the wind was a guy who used to run dogs, he's been around more bears then most of us can dream of. He got caught way to close as it fell out of the tree, scared the shit out of him and he deployed the spray. Unfortunately he was down wind and it blinded him, luckily the bear was trying to run away not attack him.
This could happen to anyone who gets startled by a bear as you don't always get to choose where they come from, and you normally don't get time to work yourself upwind during a charge.
Your carrying a gun, so that should be piece of mind enough.
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