Best 300 BLK Round For Hog Hunting


Sep 8, 2024
What's the best 300 BLK round for hog hunting? I'll probably be using a 10.5" pistol if that makes a difference.
If you want subsonic hunting ammo then I’d go Discreet Ballistics 100%. I’m not up on supersonic 300blk, but any reputable company loading the 110 Barnes will probably be your best bet.
I’ve killed a pile of them with the Barnes TAC TX [emoji[emoji[emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]][emoji[emoji[emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]][emoji[emoji[emoji6]][emoji[emoji6]]].

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125 nosler BT are great . And so are the 110 Barnes
Plenty of swine have fallen to both out of my 527


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My dyslexia kicked into gear when I read this thread title as "Best 300 BLK Round Frog Hunting"

Im severely disappointed. Carry on.
My experience with the 110 V-Max has been limited to it's use in .308 Win as we once issued it (Hornady 110gr TAP) as duty ammo, kills hogs on contact.

I've not tried any supersonic loads in the .300 BO so I have nothing to offer in that regard. I see guys killing the shit out of hogs though with Barnes 110gr bullets loaded supersonic. I have sone, just have not loaded them up.

I'm 99% sub guy when using the .300 BO and I've used 220gr, 200gr, and 208gr projectiles which certainly are not expanding at all at about 1050 FPS. I have to make sure I'm within 50 yards AND make a good high/forward hit for success. Behind the shoulder with subs is a no-go based on my experience.
In my experience it depends what you're looking for. If it's just a deadly round that's hearing safe, something mono metal that opens up at low velocities. But if the idea is to kill a pig without alerting the remaining pigs, it's basically a crap shoot. Unfortunately between the sound of the bullet impacting the pig, and the inevitable squealing and thrashing, it doesn't generally work as well as you would hope.
In my experience it depends what you're looking for. If it's just a deadly round that's hearing safe, something mono metal that opens up at low velocities. But if the idea is to kill a pig without alerting the remaining pigs, it's basically a crap shoot. Unfortunately between the sound of the bullet impacting the pig, and the inevitable squealing and thrashing, it doesn't generally work as well as you would hope.
Sounds like a good time
Has anyone tried the hornady 190 sub-x for pigs? Disappointed it didn’t come in 220 grain but sure there is a reason. Plus 1 for solid copper, avoid the 110 vmax on pigs at those velocities from my experience, but I do want to try the sub-x and interested on experiences there if anybody has some
If you look at the gel tests of the 190 sub-x, it approximates a 9mm sub sonic jhp. It's not impressive. Penetration is decent, but it's basically an ice pick wound. It will be deadly if placed correctly, but won't have rapid incapacitation unless spine/head shots are achieved. Wouldn't be my choice for hogs.
Subsonic ? - discreet ballistics no doubt
Supers? - 110-120 grain from phantom defense
I’ve killed thousands of hogs with 300blk
I have seen gel tests, honestly I may be in the minority but I don’t put as much stock as someone who has successfully or otherwise used the bullet in the real world. Still curious if anyone has pig hunted with them and has seen real world results from good shots, bad shots, and those in between. Photographic evidence of the wound and recovered bullet is always appreciated :)
I haven’t ever used discreet ballistics, will have to do some looking there, great recommendation.
My experience with the 110 V-Max has been limited to it's use in .308 Win as we once issued it (Hornady 110gr TAP) as duty ammo, kills hogs on contact.

I've not tried any supersonic loads in the .300 BO so I have nothing to offer in that regard. I see guys killing the shit out of hogs though with Barnes 110gr bullets loaded supersonic. I have sone, just have not loaded them up.

I'm 99% sub guy when using the .300 BO and I've used 220gr, 200gr, and 208gr projectiles which certainly are not expanding at all at about 1050 FPS. I have to make sure I'm within 50 yards AND make a good high/forward hit for success. Behind the shoulder with subs is a no-go based on my experience.
Wow, kills hogs on contact.

I wouldn’t suggest it.. I Had a guy bring 1 to kill a bear in December . Had a subsonics. He shot a bayed up bear 3 or 4 times bullets never made it through the fat layer to hit any organs. We dug them out while skinning .. Kill shot was with a 30-30 finally .