Bergara b14hmr accuracy issues

So basically you'd mop the floor with f class shooters? With an off the shelf HMR?



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lol. Anytime you want to come shoot with me I’d be glad to take you along. And yes I have and wouod again put this up against custom guns designed to shoot this way. I would show you targets but you’d just say that the ranges were wrong.
Bro you can't do that with a 300, people can only do that with a 6.5 CM or .223.
I recently picked up a Bergara Premier Canyon and was very excited about it. Did a full break in, and was ready to shoot test groups with around 10 different loads.
I was extremely disappointed. None of them shot anything near acceptable or consistent.
(Not including all the ammo&grouping info here, just because it’s a lot).
Before contacting Bergara I took one more go, this time using Bergara’s ‘preferred’ .308 ammo - Federal GM sierra boattail in 168 and 175.
The rifle shot outstanding with these - most 3 rd groups at around 1/2 MOA.
So those results obviously cured my heartache over the rifle I was so excited about, then was so disappointed by.
However, it still seems crazy to me that it shoots great with those rounds, and complete shit with everything else.
I have many rifles that ‘like’ certain ammo over others. But have never seen such an extreme discrepancy.
Has anyone else seen this or have other insight on it?
Bergara really pushes their Bergara, Spain factory as some exotic, European workmanship. I think it’s just a plain ole factory in a country that’s not really known for its engineering/manufacturing prowess. Low cost labor compared to other markets.

When I think of Spain, I think of history, tourism and explorers. I don’t think about engineering/mechanical like I do Germany or Austria.
I picked up a Bergara b14 hmr wilderness in 6.5 prc. It took quite a few different ammos to find something it liked. But that’s no different than any other rifle I own.