Beginner shooter with first slug gun. What scope?


Mar 4, 2022
Hi all. I'm new to shooting, and just got a mossberg slug gun. Looking for opinions on budget friendly scope and any info relevant to using it this coming fall in the woods. Should I research how to mount the scope or bring it somewhere to be done? How important is choosing the scope rings to mount? Ffp vs sfp? It's all a bit overwhelming tbh.

Thanks in advance.
Budget scopes won’t have a FFP option. What you’ll be looking for mainly is glass quality (as much as you can for the price), reliability, and warranty. Try to avoid China manufacture. Get the lowest power, it’s a shotgun. Fixed power will get you better quality at a lower price. 4x or less. Do some online shopping and post what you find. You will get feedback. No reason you can’t mount it. Go to Harbor Freight if you don’t have the tools. Start building your gun-tool box.
Look at the leupold grand slam, they are a solid scope for a slug gun, I would recommend if you have not mounted a scope before to find someone to do it for you, just make sure you can watch and learn how to do it for the next time. Whichever scope you choose just make sure it’s for a slug gun the recoil is hard on scopes that are not made specifically for slug guns.
Set it up with a scout style scope.

Two of these:

One of these:

Very fast target acquisition and both eyes open shooting. This will keep zero when you switch to a bird barrel and back, maintaining the utility of your shotgun.

This is all the magnification you need for slugs.
I'd consider a red dot for a slug gun. Although the better ones may be more expensive than a decent low fixed-power scope. Perhaps some of the Holosun models; the HE509T has an enclosed emitter, so a bit of water won't put it out of action like on the more common open-emitter red dot models. It's about $350 or thereabouts

Or the Aimpoint Micro T or H series, or the ACRO P-2 (all pricey, $700-$800 or more, IIRC. The ACRO P-2 is $600-ish).

I'd think a red dot would be quicker to use than crosshairs, at slug ranges. But perhaps that's coming from using them a lot on handguns.
OP, lot's of good options for a slug gun. Do you have a friend that might have some of these set up’s you could handle or even shoot? I know what I like and what works for me.

Remember, it’s just an optic. You’re not buying a house and you’re not getting married. You can always change it up later.
OP, lot's of good options for a slug gun. Do you have a friend that might have some of these set up’s you could handle or even shoot? I know what I like and what works for me.

Remember, it’s just an optic. You’re not buying a house and you’re not getting married. You can always change it up later.
Unfortunately I dont. Good point, ill give one a try and get some time behind it.
I switched to red dots

they are rugged, reliable, weigh less then 6 ounces, fast, easy to carry around, cheap, and the list goes on

Sig Sauer Romeo 5 is my favorite low budget red dot and it has a well deserved reputation
Another option would be get an optic the you can grow into, get the best mid power optic you can afford 2-10, 2-12, 3-15 etc. Anything with 3x or lower on the low end.

Then mount a 45deg red dot.
Your right they did,‘I grew up slug gunning in Minnesota - find one of their old bdc scopes they have hold over for 50/100/150/200.

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If its a 12 ga, i have 3 boxes of Hornady SST 300gr FTX slugs i would sell. 40.00 shipped if you are interested. Send me a text at 828 674 6752 if so.
Another vote for red dots in low or no power. I've hunted slug season for many years and went back on forth several times thinking I needed more power or clarity. What's most important is being able to get on target quickly and a red dot rules supreme there. Now that Iowa has straight wall hunting I still use a red dot on my AR 450.

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