david long
Bedded or not bedded?
I often hear guys state that they don’t like to stalk bedded bucks – I am the direct opposite.
I would much rather prefer to stalk a buck in its bed, rather than while he is up feeding. When bucks are up and feeding at timberline, they can simply cover too much country. Often times, they are not where you expect them to be at the conclusion of the stalk which can spell disaster. I feel that my odds of success are much greater stalking a stationary deer. Once in bow range, as I sit and wait for the buck to stand up, I have ample time to range the buck, dial-in my adjustable pin, etc. It also gives my heart rate a chance to settle down after the stalk and to mentally prepare for the shot. I never feel like I am rushing the shot by doing it this way.
What does everyone else prefer?