Bear Grease Removal from Backpack

Dec 27, 2016
I was fortunate to kill a Montana black bear this fall.

My backpack, a Mystery Ranch Metcalf, was soaked with bear grease from the pack out.

Do any of you have any personal experience recommendations on the best way to remove this from the backpack?

Right now, it smells like lard. It isn't a bad smell, i just want it gone, once and for all.

Mr. Fishunt
Dawn as stated by 30338, and add some baking soda too. Like 1/2 box to the bucket of water. Will probably need to do it 3 or 4 times, minimum.
I started taking unscented large heavy duty trash bags on my bear hunts. I don't keep anything in them longer than needed to reach the truck but it cuts down on issues like this nicely.
Knowing what I was getting into, I donned an old t-shirt and pair of pants when skinning and fleshing a black bear in mid-50s weather. When done, there were areas obviously soaked with bear grease. Several times though the washer using every combo possible and they still smell like bear grease - not unpleasant, but definitely noticeable. I'm not worried about them.

It may be worth asking a dry cleaner if they think that would work. Good luck.
I use a small kids pool. I dump hot water from a large stock pot with dawn, baking soda and borax. Stir at first, let sit overnight, stirring occasionally. Repeat as necessary. Rinse thoroughly.
I had the same issue with my SG pack after packing out my bear this fall. Hydrogen peroxide on the problem areas and a good scrubbing helped a lot.
Dawn and simple green are pretty much the gold standard for oil and grease. You're damn near better off greasing the whole thing now....hillbilly waterproofing.
Maybe a dishwasher tab or two in warm water…? That finer surfactant like JetDry can really help lift fats. Does wonders on brains for Euro mounts.
Hit it with dawn dish soap, let it soak. They scrub like crazy. I like to start with boiling water and let it soak until I can comfortably leave my hands in it to scrub. Rinse well
Then switch to Borax and do the same process. But before you soak it, coat the pack with borax so that it forms a paste that you can rub in. Don't mix anything with the borax as anything acidic just neutralizes the borax.

May have to repeat. Hope that helps