Bear Attacks Hunter & Guide (Guide Missing in WY)

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So sad. Absolutely heartbreaking.

There are things about this story that i just cannot make sense in my head. Ive never had this type of encounter but i just cannot see how tossing a gun over to your guide is better then firing a round either at the bear or at least close to it. If he couldn't get a shot off at it why not just run at it point blank? Maybe he just freaked out and chose the flight in the flight vs fight response. Not judging because who knows, I would maybe do the same thing and maybe he was already severely wounded.

Id be curious also to know if where they found him, if he had the gun on him. He must have tried walking himself out. I'm not sure he could have been drug 1/4 mile by the bear.
So sad. Absolutely heartbreaking.

Id be curious also to know if where they found him, if he had the gun on him. He must have tried walking himself out. I'm not sure he could have been drug 1/4 mile by the bear.

An adult grizzly bear could easily pick up an adult human in their mouth and walk 1/4 mile with little effort. I am not saying this is what happened but, it would be very possible.

The investigation will determine what happened.

An adult grizzly bear could easily pick up an adult human in their mouth and walk 1/4 mile with little effort. I am not saying this is what happened but, it would be very possible.

The investigation will determine what happened.


I’m going to bet he walked that quarter mile. The bears had a fresh elk carcass to feed on and although a bear could easily carry a man that far I can’t see it doing it and leaving a food source. Doesn’t make sense but stranger things have happened.
Not to make this about a bear carrying someone but I think a Yellowstone grizzly and likely a sow is going to have a heck of a time carrying a 200 lb man 1/4 mile in the mountains before rigomortis sets in. If you watch videos of bears dragging deer and carcasses on flat ground they don't seem to drag as easily as you'd think.

Or maybe it is my defense mechanism telling me they are not as strong as they really are.

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Bear Attacks Hunter & Guide (Guide Missing in WY)

Man that’s awful. I wonder if the guide escaped the 1/4 mile before succumbing to injuries sustained during the attack or if the bear attacked him again at the last location. So sad.

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On a guided hunt of mine a few years back the outfitter sat all clients and guides down the evening before the hunt started for a bear awareness class. The outfitter stressed that in an incident where a bear was attacking your guide do not try to shoot it. Get away and get help. As soon as we walked out of the cabin my guide said "if a bear is mauling me shoot it! I'll take my chances of catching a stray bullet over being left in the mouth of a grizzly."
Sad deal. Prayers to all involved.

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Horribly sad news. I can't stop thinking about Mark's family, and already people on both sides are using this incident to fuel the rhetorical bonfire.

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On a guided hunt of mine a few years back the outfitter sat all clients and guides down the evening before the hunt started for a bear awareness class. The outfitter stressed that in an incident where a bear was attacking your guide do not try to shoot it. Get away and get help. As soon as we walked out of the cabin my guide said "if a bear is mauling me shoot it! I'll take my chances of catching a stray bullet over being left in the mouth of a grizzly."
Sad deal. Prayers to all involved.

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So the hunter probably did what he was told to do. Personally , if I had a pistol in hand I’d have to stay and fight for my guides life.
If you have ever seen the videos of grizzlies flipping bolders around to get to the moths you’d have no doubt about how strong they are.
Strong was a poor choice in words. Their strength I think is undeniable. Their endurance in dragging 200 pounds in the mountains is what I seem to question a little bit.

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Horribly sad news. I can't stop thinking about Mark's family, and already people on both sides are using this incident to fuel the rhetorical bonfire.

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I believe everyone feels horribly for his entire family, children probably the most, first and foremost.
Terrible tragedy.

An adult grizzly bear could EASILY drag 200# a quarter mile. About a decade ago we went into a little restaurant on Kodiak Island, and the owner told us a story where she watched a brown bear kill a beef cow (800-900#) and drag it off. Heck, there are guys on here that probably drag 200# deer some distance every year.
Just recieved notice on my phone.Hunter mauled,then climbed to top of mountain to call for help.Guide found dead at scene.Bear spray and Glock found at Scene.No report of them being deployed.Investigation ongoing.
I've drug 150lb field dressed deer 4-500 yards, uphill. Took about 3 hrs.
A Grizz wouldn't think nothing of it.
Very sad, tragic situation.
So sad. Absolutely heartbreaking.

There are things about this story that i just cannot make sense in my head. Ive never had this type of encounter but i just cannot see how tossing a gun over to your guide is better then firing a round either at the bear or at least close to it. If he couldn't get a shot off at it why not just run at it point blank? Maybe he just freaked out and chose the flight in the flight vs fight response. Not judging because who knows, I would maybe do the same thing and maybe he was already severely wounded.

Id be curious also to know if where they found him, if he had the gun on him. He must have tried walking himself out. I'm not sure he could have been drug 1/4 mile by the bear.

Do you really think the press report of the facts are accurate?
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