Bear attack or homicide in Montana


Sep 26, 2018
This thread got sideways in a hurry. The only thing that’s made me paranoid when hunting solo the last couple years is cats. I lay sticks on the ground around my tent. Definitely have the pistol ready, my sleeping bag has a pocket, the pistol fits nice in that. I put my bow under the fly on my left side and my pack on my right side, one boot on each side by my feet. Also keep my trekking poles handy and put my pack contents above and around my head. A few years back in the Sangres I had to fend off a smaller black bear that wanted my food at 3am. The trekking pole worked well. A spare tent? Idk counting ounces is pointless then. As for the sad situation with the hacked up individual. Hopefully his family can get some answers and find closure. Good luck to all with the remaining tags on your season.
Is there even a single recorded death of a cat killing someone in their tent? Bears yes but cats?


Aug 1, 2022
juneau wi
Is there even a single recorded death of a cat killing someone in their tent? Bears yes but cats?
Idk. I’m going to use the Google now and look. But cats are the only thing that make me uncomfortable. I’ve hunted them and seen first hand some of their capabilities. I’ve encountered an handful over the years while elk hunting. Everyone has their fears, thankfully mines not the dark or being alone 10 miles from the truck or whatever else people unfortunately deal with in their heads.
Dec 20, 2019
Idk. I’m going to use the Google now and look. But cats are the only thing that make me uncomfortable. I’ve hunted them and seen first hand some of their capabilities. I’ve encountered an handful over the years while elk hunting. Everyone has their fears, thankfully mines not the dark or being alone 10 miles from the truck or whatever else people unfortunately deal with in their heads.
The stealth factor of a cat commands respect.


Mar 3, 2023
Is there even a single recorded death of a cat killing someone in their tent? Bears yes but cats?

Mountain lions? Not sure. Leopards and Jaguars? They drag people out of huts by the skull on an alarmingly regular basis so a tent would be zero hinderance.
Oct 7, 2023
Ok I'm curious as well. Do you put your decoy tent near the truck and pitch your real tent back in the woods a few hundred feet? What's the best type of decoy tent? Ozark Trail cheapo or a nicer tent to "sell the decoy" more? Do you put a dummy in a sleeping bag inside the decoy tent? What about placing a trail cam outside the decoy tent so you can check it and see what would have killed you had you put your real tent in that location?

Just messing with you, never heard of a decoy tent. Not saying it's a terrible idea at all really.

Hey guys, only the paranoid survive. I figured the decoy tent might generate a few laughs, but for me it is worth the peace of mind. I had an uncomfortable situation years ago where I thought I was going to have to kill someone with my longbow and ever since I am very careful about where and how I camp. I guess I should just give an overview of my "system," but I fear revealing my methods will make me vulnerable to one of you.

Yes, I often set up cameras as well. If I am murdered, there will be recoverable evidence.
Oct 7, 2023
I may be missing something, but a decoy tent makes no sense to me. A person set on killing you is going to look in the decoy tent and not find anybody so then he is just going to call it a day and not check the 2nd tent??
The decoy tent is purposely obtrusive. Where a "normal" person would camp. Bonus points for having remnants of a fire in front, and sundry camping goods.

The sleeping set-up (can be a tarp, tent, in open, etc) is concealed a distance away from the decoy. I prefer to have two pre-determined escape routes, but also the ability to quickly position myself to gain a vantage of the decoy tent.

This is for road-based hunts. I do not pack a second tent into the backcountry on backpack hunts. I'm not a lunatic. I have a different method for that.
Nov 14, 2020
Everyone wants to hear the story about why you almost had to shoot someone with a long bow…. C’mon….

Here’s mine:

When I was 18 I was hitchhiking with my girlfriend in Montana. We get picked up by a guy who says he’ll take us to the KOA where we’re camped. He seems weird and kind of cranked up, for lack of a better description. He keeps asking where we’re from and if our parents have lot of money. I noticed that there were 3 fishing poles and a bunch of magazines in the back of his pickup, so I ask him if he likes reading or fishing. He says no. I’m doing the math and thinking “ This truck is stolen and this a-hole is thinking about kidnapping us”.

I don’t have enough proof to convict yet, but I’m worried. He drives past the driveway to the KOA. I point this out and he says “I was thinking about taking you guys someplace else.” I said “I don’t wanna go anyplace else… stop this F**kin truck right now or you’re gonna get hurt”. I had my buck knife unfolded in my jacket pocket and I was just about to pull it out when he saw the look in my eye and braked to a stop. We piled out and he roared off. I’m glad that’s as far as it went.
Feb 24, 2016
Everyone wants to hear the story about why you almost had to shoot someone with a long bow…. C’mon….

Here’s mine:

When I was 18 I was hitchhiking with my girlfriend in Montana. We get picked up by a guy who says he’ll take us to the KOA where we’re camped. He seems weird and kind of cranked up, for lack of a better description. He keeps asking where we’re from and if our parents have lot of money. I noticed that there were 3 fishing poles and a bunch of magazines in the back of his pickup, so I ask him if he likes reading or fishing. He says no. I’m doing the math and thinking “ This truck is stolen and this a-hole is thinking about kidnapping us”.

I don’t have enough proof to convict yet, but I’m worried. He drives past the driveway to the KOA. I point this out and he says “I was thinking about taking you guys someplace else.” I said “I don’t wanna go anyplace else… stop this F**kin truck right now or you’re gonna get hurt”. I had my buck knife unfolded in my jacket pocket and I was just about to pull it out when he saw the look in my eye and braked to a stop. We piled out and he roared off. I’m glad that’s as far as it went.

You’re a calmer man than me. I would have already buried the knife.

Aug 11, 2017
The decoy tent is purposely obtrusive. Where a "normal" person would camp. Bonus points for having remnants of a fire in front, and sundry camping goods.

The sleeping set-up (can be a tarp, tent, in open, etc) is concealed a distance away from the decoy. I prefer to have two pre-determined escape routes, but also the ability to quickly position myself to gain a vantage of the decoy tent.

This is for road-based hunts. I do not pack a second tent into the backcountry on backpack hunts. I'm not a lunatic. I have a different method for that.
Did you find an old board game, start playing and now there is an African big game hunter after you?

I don’t think you’re alone if so, he’s after Ryan as well, just for different reasons….