Meopta has a couple reticle. I just got one with the bdc2 and it is very clean. Got mine through cameraland... call Doug he will hook u up
What scope?
Meopta has a couple reticle. I just got one with the bdc2 and it is very clean. Got mine through cameraland... call Doug he will hook u up
Meopro 3.5×10. Illumintated bdc2What scope?
That’s the one I was eyeballing.Meopro 3.5×10. Illumintated bdc2
Meopta has a bdc, a bdc2, and bdc3. The bdc2 is nice and clean
different strokes man, don't be annoyed that the world doesn't think exactly as you doI dont understand the BDC thing, its annoying.
Why not use a Mil reticle or MOA reticle, and dial. OR use your reticle for your hold would literally be doing the same thing as a bdc reticle but then you also have all the other options that come with a mil or moa reticle as far as dialing, holding wind etc.
I really think it should be just duplex, mil or moa reticle. thats it
different strokes man, don't be annoyed that the world doesn't think exactly as you do
for what I do, dials are annoying. I had a vx-3 with the CDS dial, and had to constantly check to make sure it was on zero, which it often wasn't. I took my brother blacktail hunting one day, we only brought my rifle, found a nice 3x3 and I got him set up behind the gun, under 200yds, no missing.... BOOM... deer just stood there, luckily I realized what happened quick, spun the dial back to zero and he made good on the second shot.... another buddy of mine missed a big buck 4 times for the same reason.
I know many have a dial lock, but I don't want to pack an extra 10 ounces in my scope to have a feature I would rarely if ever use in the field.
I like a clean, simple bdc reticle, it fits what I do, and can get them dialed into meaningful aiming points, mostly for just shooting targets.
my furthest shot I have taken at a critter was 497yds, I was spring bear hunting and I spotted a lion walking below me, didn't use the dial on my scope, just knew my hold over and shot, having an aiming point is critical and reliable, it's a good option and a simple bdc reticle is clean and uncluttered.
my original path was to get a 257wby, and run MPBR on a duplex (maybe VX-R because I love the leupold firedot) that's a very cool setup as far as practicality to me. I ended up going a different direction this time, and going for light weight, and there are no options that I like in the 257WBY that fit that criteria, and I ended up going with the boring old creedmoor…. lots of good lightweight options, and about as practical as it gets for blacktail hunting. I didn't like the MPBR as much on the creed.I totally get what you're saying as far as simplicity of a reticle. I just figure if you want to use a reticle for drops you can us a moa or mil.
or rock a duplex and do max point-blank.
but as you said different strokes. I'm just mad cuz everyone is only carrying BDC reticles at big box stores which sucks
my original path was to get a 257wby, and run MPBR on a duplex (maybe VX-R because I love the leupold firedot) that's a very cool setup as far as practicality to me. I ended up going a different direction this time, and going for light weight, and there are no options that I like in the 257WBY that fit that criteria, and I ended up going with the boring old creedmoor…. lots of good lightweight options, and about as practical as it gets for blacktail hunting. I didn't like the MPBR as much on the creed.
I just wanted a very uncluttered simple BDC reticle, mainly for stretching things out shooting targets. it's not too hard to figure out where the BDC marks impact with a little time, and I may sight in in reverse, sight in the bottom dot at 500yds and see where the crosshair ends up, with the scope i'm buying, I bet the crosshairs will end up really close to the spot I would sight in for MPBR.... time will tell.
my hunting will pretty much be MPBR style, that's why I want simplicity, I will be using the crosshair for shooting critters, but I like some other aim points for shooting targets as long as it doesn't clutter the sight picture.
the creedmoor reticle on the leupold i'm getting is perfect, it's just dots below the crosshair, no clutter. shooting without open dials beyond 400 yds at live critters seems sketchy to me, and I just don't need to around here.... shooting 500+, it doesn't take much wind to veer your bullet off course, but shooting targets on the right days out to 500yds is fun to me, and i'll be able to do that with a very lightweight scope, without compromising a clean sight picture.
I am in the same boat as the OP. Does anyone else have a recommendation on a quality big game scope with a Ballistic Plex type reticle?