BDC reticles vs dial turret for hunting

One thing I’m commonly reading in this thread is how quick a BDC style reticle is. And it is quick, quicker than dialing your shot. As a disclaimer, I’m a knob twister, I dial my shots. But a BDC style reticle is essentially place holders for a given distance/holdover. Holdover two might be 285 yards and holdover 3 might be 377 yards etc. Depending on the reticle you use, the same can be used for a scope capable of dialing shots if you have a mil dot or similar reticle.

Using the Leupold TMR reticle as a representation, it would work as quick as a BDC reticle if you knew your holdover in mrad. If you knew you have to dial your shot 3.1 mils for your current rifle to hit a 400 yard target, you could just as easily use the 3rd dot on the reticle as you would a BDC reticle and shoot. It would be the best of both worlds.
One thing I’m commonly reading in this thread is how quick a BDC style reticle is. And it is quick, quicker than dialing your shot. As a disclaimer, I’m a knob twister, I dial my shots. But a BDC style reticle is essentially place holders for a given distance/holdover. Holdover two might be 285 yards and holdover 3 might be 377 yards etc. Depending on the reticle you use, the same can be used for a scope capable of dialing shots if you have a mil dot or similar reticle.

Using the Leupold TMR reticle as a representation, it would work as quick as a BDC reticle if you knew your holdover in mrad. If you knew you have to dial your shot 3.1 mils for your current rifle to hit a 400 yard target, you could just as easily use the 3rd dot on the reticle as you would a BDC reticle and shoot. It would be the best of both worlds.

just to clarify, I round my hash marks to the nearest 10 yards so 200, 320, 450, 590, 730 is where I'm at now. I memorize them and in a half dozen kills, I've not forgotten what they are at crunch time. That's where the speed comes in for me. But yes, if it's 550 yards, I do have to take time to decide where in the 450-590 marks I'm gonna hold.
My hunting rifles wear bigger scopes with exposed turrets much of the year, because I like to shoot them a lot, and really stretch out the distance. Late summer they go back to simple scopes with enough holdover options to get me to 600 (I don’t shoot game beyond 400 or so generally). I am comfortable and competent dialing, but for the distance I’ll shoot game at I would rather keep it simple and light weight. Scope that dial reliably come with a bit of a weight penalty. If they don’t have the weight penalty, then they have a wallet penalty.

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Thanks Robby, I am fixing to order your book. Just got bit bad by the mule deer bug lol. Almost bad enough to sell my rope horses. Too many hobbies. I will definitely look into that scope as well. That's kind of what I am after. My shot this year was right under 300yds which was perfect for me, but there was also a group of doe about 500yds, and from where I was at I could not get any closer. If the buck had been with those does instead, I'm not sure I would have been able to make the shot. Luckily everything worked out perfect, but that is seldom the case with anything. Will definitely be more prepared next time
BDC reticles don't account for varying temperatures, elevations, and barometric pressures. If you sight in and practice in the same elevations and weather conditions as you hunt in, then you're good (if you can get along with shots at ranges between the dots). If you shoot and hunt at different locations, elevations and weather conditions, then dialing is best. All assuming you are shooting beyond 300 yards.
Or, a scope with a MOA reticle. That's what I finally figured out, and it's why the Tri-MOA (or any MOA ballistic reticle) can be superior to conventional ballistic reticles if the user does their homework. Conventional ballistic reticles are intended for the casual weekend guy who just wants to zero at one distance and doesn't plan to work out the details beyond that. It's probably "minute of deer" accurate and that's good enough for 90% of the hunters in 90% of the situations.

Now that I've seen a true MOA reticle, it seems to be the best of both worlds, between dialing and a pre-determined conventional "LR" style reticle like the Leupold or the Burris or Vortex.
I’m tossing this same idea around. I’ve been a hold over or bdc guy. Going to look at my first turret scope and see how it goes. But I think I have a good teacher in mind and a great place to work out the details. My deer gun wants a new scope.
I shoot a Zeiss with the rapid-z reticle. It is very accurate with the Zeiss ballistics app. I like it because I am confident in it to 500 yards which is as far as I’m going to shoot in practical hunting situations. I did have the opportunity at a whitetail this past season at 590 yards, I had plenty of time and a solid prop, worked perfectly.

I do like the thought of an MOA type reticle with a locking elevation turret. If I was to buy a new scope, I would look at the leupold and Zeiss that have this feature.
I hunted whitetail and predators all my life with the good old 3x9x40 leupold. Always been enough for my needs but after going on my first mule deer hunt, and definitely not my last, I would Like to extend my yardage. I am very comfortable at 300yds but would like to feel the same way about 500 or even 600. I have a range on the ranch so I shoot a lot. My question is which do you prefer for hunting situations at that range. Am looking to spend around 1k. I liked my friends vx5, just not sure how I feel about dialing in a pressure situation.
i'm a fan of BDC type reticles, but i think if shooting beyond 500yds an open turret is better suited. to 500yds, BDC reticles are great, and simple, and no accidental dial turning while hunting... that was why i got rid of my leupold CDS, got to where i didn't trust it staying on zero... different tools for different people... i like BDC
I sent my my leupold vx3 4.5-14x40 to the custom shop for my Hornady ssts and am setup with the bdc using its ballistics ..for someone not wanting to dial it is a very solid option
what reticle are you getting and what's the cost? i like the sounds of that. i have the 6.5creed reticle on my 4-12x leupold, on my 6.5creed, not sure how close things will actually be with my rifle, but now that seasons are over i'm going to dial in my aim points.... i will probably do it in reverse, sight in the bottom aim point for 500yds and work backwards from there and build a simple cheat sheet.... might actually be pretty slick with the crosshair being right in the range of MPBR for that cartridge... it will be close enough to use it that way.

i'm thinking about turning my 7mag into a project rifle (thinking 257wby) and will be getting new glass for that when i get there, and your option sounds pretty cool... buy the scope, find the load, get the data and send it off... that's right down my alley.
For me this is an easy question to answer. A RELIABLE dialing scope. There's not to many of them out there that don't weigh over 30 oz. Leupold definitely doesn't make the cut.

-Swfa super sniper 3-9
-Bushnell lrst 4.5-18 from cameraland for $750 is a steal.
-Nighforce SHV

There are a ton of compromise's on sfp bdc reticles. Elevation is the easiest correction to make why not make it precise? That's one compromise. But by far the biggest handicap of bdc's is windage adjustments. Some don't give any wind holds, some have a very basic 10mph at 90° or something. So you're stacking variables with a sorta close elevation hold with a half assed guess of a wind hold -that doesn't equate to hitting things consistently.
what reticle are you getting and what's the cost? i like the sounds of that. i have the 6.5creed reticle on my 4-12x leupold, on my 6.5creed, not sure how close things will actually be with my rifle, but now that seasons are over i'm going to dial in my aim points.... i will probably do it in reverse, sight in the bottom aim point for 500yds and work backwards from there and build a simple cheat sheet.... might actually be pretty slick with the crosshair being right in the range of MPBR for that cartridge... it will be close enough to use it that way.

i'm thinking about turning my 7mag into a project rifle (thinking 257wby) and will be getting new glass for that when i get there, and your option sounds pretty cool... buy the scope, find the load, get the data and send it off... that's right down my alley.
Leupolds custom shop has been closed for over a year now. Doesnt seem like they have any intention of reopening it.
I think I am going to go ahead and get an swfa, to at least play with and see if I like that style or not. Probably try and get the 6x42 if they come back in stock. Any good video recommendations or articles on using mil scopes? I am completely clueless and have just been watching youtube videos. Im not trying to shoot a mile. I would just like to set it up to at least stretch to 600yds.
I don't know if anyone mentioned it yet but custom turrets are a good compromise IMHO. It will take some effort to figure out our ballistics for your cartridge load but once its done you can go from range finder to dialing appropriate elevation in no time. You get most of the accuracy from dialing but can still be fast enough when it matters.
I really like the SWFA 3-9 and SWFA now sells a blank turret dial replacement that doesn't come ingraved so you can customize if you want to go that direction. I like the slightly lower profile turrets of the 3-9 vs the straight 6. Both are great scopes for trying out dialing.
looks like the custom shop may be back next year, it was around $100 and I went with a simple design of small dots for each range I wanted


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