BC Guide Outfitters experience

Nov 22, 2024
I thought about this a long time before I posted, but in the end I just want to give a report on our experience with Mark Werner of BC Guide Outfitters. Three of us that are longtime hunting buddies that after years of talking about it, finally pulled the trigger on a Guided Canadian Moose Hunt. After talking with several guides at the 2022 Portland Sportsman show, we decided to go with Mark Werner of BC Guide Outfitters, he certainly wasn't the cheapest but his booth, marketing material, pictures, and sales pitch sold us and we put down the deposits for a 2024 hunt. 2 of us would be on a 7 day 2:1 guided Moose Hunt for $9500.00 USD each, and the other would be doing a 7 day 1 :1 guided Deer and Bear hunt for $6,000.00 USD. The hunt would be from the 9/21-9/28, because "the week before the rut is one of the most productive times". The deposits were enough to keep us from backing out: $2,500.00 for each moose hunter, and $1,000.00 for the Deer/Bear. After getting the deposits and cashing the check, things went south.
We had to remind Mark constantly of who was hunting with who, for what species, deposits paid, amounts owing, and get him to send the email detailing all this with our reservation forms, instructions, etc... This went on thru at least August. Per his schedule we had the balances paid by the 2024 Sportsman Show.
Some of the main selling points from marketing materials, his website, and conversations were:

  • 95% and 100% Moose success rates
  • "Over the years I have learned that the difference between successful and unsuccessful outfitters is the amount of time spent in the field prepping before the hunt.” Publication/Handout and Website
  • “For BC guide outfitters preseason is about maintaining and opening new trails.” Publication/Handout
  • “our guides are very experienced professional guides”. Direct quote
  • “we’ve been out all summer clearing trails and getting the camps ready.” Direct quote to me the week before our hunt after trying for over 3 weeks to get a return a phone call or text.
  • “The Client gives the Outfitter permission to release my personal information and photos to the Guide Outfitters Association of BC”. From the Contract
  • “One of the secrets of our success has been that we are full time Outfitters. This is what we do. We spend from April to November in our camps and our territory, cutting trails, hauling in boats to remote lakes and building camps in the backcountry. We are also on the landscape scouting all season long. That is the difference between a full time operator and those that show up the week before the hunt and throw it all together.” From website
  • “That gives you 7 full days of hunting.” We are still trying to understand how Sunday morning thru Friday night is considered 7 full days of hunting
  • “Royalties are not includes and they are only due and payable upon successful harvest of your animal.” From Frequently Asked Questions
It was obvious to us when we got there that they had just started work on Base Camp and became completely obvious when the one and only time we went to a spike camp that it hadn't been worked on or prepped. We literally had to cut the downed trees of the cabin and front door. During the week we got quotes from his 2 "guides" confirming that they had just gotten there a few days before we arrived:

  • “We didn’t get up here until a few days ago because we were doing Mark’s Wildlife Monitoring (said on our first night) to start getting base camp ready”
  • “We were so busy with Marks wildlife monitoring business we didn’t have time to get a cook”
Which brings me to his "guides". They were Mark's 20 year-old son Matthew, and Matthew's best friend 19 year-old Owen, who was in his first year (possibly 2nd) of guiding. Owen (moose guide) is a super nice kid and worked hard but he had to wait for Mark's instruction on every aspect of each days hunt, and just lacked any significant experience in guiding. Matthew's idea of guiding was road hunting for 3ish hours while vaping non stop, telling stories of all the animals he killed, letting you know what a accomplished hunter he is, napping for a couple of hours and repeating for the evening hunt. He was literally trying to one up a friend who (this pains me to write) is an incredible hunter. Both of these were far from the "professional and experienced guides" Mark advertises. And to top it all off we found out that the really experienced guide that both of those guys revered, was showing up the week after our hunt.
You are probably wondering where Mark (the owner) was during this. First he showed up pretty late after we got there, then he ended up being the cook for a 2 days; And then at the last minute decided to guide a deer and bear hunt for a very wealthy German hunter (who flew in by helicopter) because he had finished a Yukon moose and caribou hunt early. Mark guided for 2 days, and then suddenly had to leave due to a windstorm at home. All of us are convinced that he left because he knew the dissatisfaction in his hunters.
How did we do?
The 2 moose hunters (myself and the brother of the deer/bear hunter) never saw a four legged animal, much less a moose. The deer/bear hunter saw a cow moose for a 1/4 second while it crossed the road. The 95% and 100% success rates quoted are a complete lie. British Columbia keeps very accurate Harvest Statistics;
and it appears the success rates for guided hunters in his areas was 18% and 22%. Incidentally there were no recent pictures on the wall at the lodge, everything was from 2018 and before. The German Hunter never saw an animal and was flabbergasted by the lack of animals.
We paid Matthew for our Harvest Royalty fees in USD and without the benefit of the conversion rate even though per his FAQ's "its due upon successful harvest of the animal" We are convinced those monies went into the guides gas tanks, because "Mark doesn't reimburse us for our gas until the end of the season".
We tried contacting Mark twice by phone and text on the last day of the hunt only to be sent to Voicemail. We tried another 4 times (via text, phone, and letter) over the next 3 weeks only to get the response that he was busy guiding other hunters and how he was impacted by the windstorm at his house, and said he would contact us "around Nov 1st". 3 text over the last 10 days and we haven't heard a thing.
During this time I contacted the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia (GOABC) because he markets that he was President during 2012 (?); they oversee the 175+ Guides and Outfitters of British Columbia. The CEO let me know he hasn't been a member for a few years even though Mark alludes that he still is in his contract and advertising. While they didn't use these words exactly, it was due to complaints and lack of resolution within their Code of Ethics.
We are not newbies at hunting. We are all 60, in good shape, pretty easy going, successful hunters who put the time in for that success, and combined we have about 142 years of hunting experience. Collectively we paid him and his guides over $28,500.00 USD in guide/Outfitter fees, License, Tags, Harvest Fees, and tips (yes we still tipped the guides), and spent another $2,000.00 in Diesel, Hotels, and Food. This is not a case of poor timing, low populations, winter kill, or even bad luck. It’s simply a case of a guide not preparing his territory all summer like he claims, inexperienced guides, and not focusing on his Guiding/Outfitter business. I am just letting you know our experience and opinion with this Outfitter.
Jim Delmore
Sorry you had a bad hunt. I only deal with the very highest rated outfitters and only count on recent , up to date talks with multiple clients. Things can change at the drop of a hat, but the cream normally stays at the top.
Thanks we would’ve done a lot of things different if we were to do it all again. We would’ve asked for last year’s Hunters phone numbers. We also probably would’ve been willing to walk away from the $2500 deposit when all the signs started taking place about how unorganized he was. It’s a lot of money, but it beats walking away from the $11,000 I had into it. I’m sure there are great outfitters out there, and this guy is just a bad apple who is paying attention to his other businesses instead of his Guide outfitter business
Thanks we would’ve done a lot of things different if we were to do it all again. We would’ve asked for last year’s Hunters phone numbers. We also probably would’ve been willing to walk away from the $2500 deposit when all the signs started taking place about how unorganized he was. It’s a lot of money, but it beats walking away from the $11,000 I had into it. I’m sure there are great outfitters out there, and this guy is just a bad apple who is paying attention to his other businesses instead of his Guide outfitter business
this is definaitly not what i wanted to read after just booking a hunt with them.
Sorry you had a bad hunt. I only deal with the very highest rated outfitters and only count on recent , up to date talks with multiple clients. Things can change at the drop of a hat, but the cream normally stays at the top.
Sorry you had a bad hunt. I only deal with the very highest rated outfitters and only count on recent , up to date talks with multiple clients. Things can change at the drop of a hat, but the cream normally stays at the top.
can you please provide some more insight on what you know about about BC guide services ?
Probably one of the most important thing is that BC Guide Outfitters is no longer a member of the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia (GOABC) and hasn’t been for a while. They are the trade association for all the guides in British Columbia and strive to make sure that people that book hunts with their guides have a good experience with proven guides. They also require their members to adhere to a Code of Conduct
The second biggest thing is that the experience level of the guides for BC guide outfitters was not at all what Mark Werner told us they would be. It consisted of a first year guide with no experience and Mark’s son who isn’t what I would describe as a professional guide.
Another is that so much of what he promises in his sales pitch, brochure, and website just wasn’t true. Success rate was not the 95-100% that he told us multiple times, spike camps and trails. We’re definitely not ready for hunters as he says in his brochures. On his website, he talks about how the difference between a first rate guide service and others is the fact that they spend the summer getting things ready and not just showing up a few weeks before the hunt starts, which is exactly what we experienced. His own guy told us they just got there a few days before we did. We all had a suspicion that this is the way it was going to turn out because communication and organization was horrible from the moment he got our deposits all the way to us arriving at camp
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I should probably include portions of many other conversations that have taken place with other hunters from different websites:
The most recent was from one of 6 hunters in the group the week after ours. He experienced most of what we experienced:
  • Spike camps weren't ready and they were only offered to stay 1 night at one
  • Completely unorganized and communication was non existent
  • One of the 3 groups never saw an animal
  • His guide (same as ours) was in his first year and only did exactly what Mark told him. They would drive at light speed to go where Mark told him while passing beautiful country without ever slowing or glassing it. He was successful but it was "Pure Luck" that the bull crossed the road in front of them. It was the only bull (and I think the only moose) they saw, and the guide had no idea how to gut and field dress it.
  • Mark was guiding the 3rd group because the guide they were supposed to have quit the night before the hunt started. They killed one bull of the road as well and said it was pure luck
  • He said even though he was successful, he would never hunt with him again and was pretty sure that the others felt the same way.
  • The group that didn't see anything was told they could have a discounted future Spring Bear hunt, but haven't heard anything from Mark, and are afraid to say anything
Another hunter from 3 years ago told me that it was a sh!tshow from the beginning and promised when they left camp that "they would make it right", but never heard from him again.

Another hunter from about 8 years ago told me that even though he killed a bull that Mark uses on his brochure, "he wouldn't ever hunt with him again and doesn't trust him as afar as he could throw him"

Interestingly enough, in all the conversations I've had not one has said they had a good experience and would hunt with BC Guide Outfitters again. I'm only putting this out there because I want people to know what I and others experienced before they put their hard earned money down
I plan on being there
Did you talk to him?
Sorry you had that experience. It’s such a gamble booking a hunt. I put a lot of faith in GOABC members. For others reading this thread, if the outfitter is in BC and not a member, he probably needs to be avoided. If anyone attends one of the big hunting expo shows, GOABC will have a booth there. Stop and talk to them. Their comments or lack of about anyone you are considering will be helpful.
Wow... that is horrible, I had just seen them a week ago at the West Wa Sports show and it caught my attention because there is an Kispiox Valley Outfitter who's website is bcguidedhunting.com but these NOT the same people...
Sorry you had a bad hunt. I only deal with the very highest rated outfitters and only count on recent , up to date talks with multiple clients. Things can change at the drop of a hat, but the cream normally stays at the top.
Me too, and I've still had 2 experiences like the OP's. Sadly it happens.
I thought about this a long time before I posted, but in the end I just want to give a report on our experience with Mark Werner of BC Guide Outfitters. Three of us that are longtime hunting buddies that after years of talking about it, finally pulled the trigger on a Guided Canadian Moose Hunt. After talking with several guides at the 2022 Portland Sportsman show, we decided to go with Mark Werner of BC Guide Outfitters, he certainly wasn't the cheapest but his booth, marketing material, pictures, and sales pitch sold us and we put down the deposits for a 2024 hunt. 2 of us would be on a 7 day 2:1 guided Moose Hunt for $9500.00 USD each, and the other would be doing a 7 day 1 :1 guided Deer and Bear hunt for $6,000.00 USD. The hunt would be from the 9/21-9/28, because "the week before the rut is one of the most productive times". The deposits were enough to keep us from backing out: $2,500.00 for each moose hunter, and $1,000.00 for the Deer/Bear. After getting the deposits and cashing the check, things went south.
We had to remind Mark constantly of who was hunting with who, for what species, deposits paid, amounts owing, and get him to send the email detailing all this with our reservation forms, instructions, etc... This went on thru at least August. Per his schedule we had the balances paid by the 2024 Sportsman Show.
Some of the main selling points from marketing materials, his website, and conversations were:

  • 95% and 100% Moose success rates
  • "Over the years I have learned that the difference between successful and unsuccessful outfitters is the amount of time spent in the field prepping before the hunt.” Publication/Handout and Website
  • “For BC guide outfitters preseason is about maintaining and opening new trails.” Publication/Handout
  • “our guides are very experienced professional guides”. Direct quote
  • “we’ve been out all summer clearing trails and getting the camps ready.” Direct quote to me the week before our hunt after trying for over 3 weeks to get a return a phone call or text.
  • “The Client gives the Outfitter permission to release my personal information and photos to the Guide Outfitters Association of BC”. From the Contract
  • “One of the secrets of our success has been that we are full time Outfitters. This is what we do. We spend from April to November in our camps and our territory, cutting trails, hauling in boats to remote lakes and building camps in the backcountry. We are also on the landscape scouting all season long. That is the difference between a full time operator and those that show up the week before the hunt and throw it all together.” From website
  • “That gives you 7 full days of hunting.” We are still trying to understand how Sunday morning thru Friday night is considered 7 full days of hunting
  • “Royalties are not includes and they are only due and payable upon successful harvest of your animal.” From Frequently Asked Questions
It was obvious to us when we got there that they had just started work on Base Camp and became completely obvious when the one and only time we went to a spike camp that it hadn't been worked on or prepped. We literally had to cut the downed trees of the cabin and front door. During the week we got quotes from his 2 "guides" confirming that they had just gotten there a few days before we arrived:

  • “We didn’t get up here until a few days ago because we were doing Mark’s Wildlife Monitoring (said on our first night) to start getting base camp ready”
  • “We were so busy with Marks wildlife monitoring business we didn’t have time to get a cook”
Which brings me to his "guides". They were Mark's 20 year-old son Matthew, and Matthew's best friend 19 year-old Owen, who was in his first year (possibly 2nd) of guiding. Owen (moose guide) is a super nice kid and worked hard but he had to wait for Mark's instruction on every aspect of each days hunt, and just lacked any significant experience in guiding. Matthew's idea of guiding was road hunting for 3ish hours while vaping non stop, telling stories of all the animals he killed, letting you know what a accomplished hunter he is, napping for a couple of hours and repeating for the evening hunt. He was literally trying to one up a friend who (this pains me to write) is an incredible hunter. Both of these were far from the "professional and experienced guides" Mark advertises. And to top it all off we found out that the really experienced guide that both of those guys revered, was showing up the week after our hunt.
You are probably wondering where Mark (the owner) was during this. First he showed up pretty late after we got there, then he ended up being the cook for a 2 days; And then at the last minute decided to guide a deer and bear hunt for a very wealthy German hunter (who flew in by helicopter) because he had finished a Yukon moose and caribou hunt early. Mark guided for 2 days, and then suddenly had to leave due to a windstorm at home. All of us are convinced that he left because he knew the dissatisfaction in his hunters.
How did we do?
The 2 moose hunters (myself and the brother of the deer/bear hunter) never saw a four legged animal, much less a moose. The deer/bear hunter saw a cow moose for a 1/4 second while it crossed the road. The 95% and 100% success rates quoted are a complete lie. British Columbia keeps very accurate Harvest Statistics;
and it appears the success rates for guided hunters in his areas was 18% and 22%. Incidentally there were no recent pictures on the wall at the lodge, everything was from 2018 and before. The German Hunter never saw an animal and was flabbergasted by the lack of animals.
We paid Matthew for our Harvest Royalty fees in USD and without the benefit of the conversion rate even though per his FAQ's "its due upon successful harvest of the animal" We are convinced those monies went into the guides gas tanks, because "Mark doesn't reimburse us for our gas until the end of the season".
We tried contacting Mark twice by phone and text on the last day of the hunt only to be sent to Voicemail. We tried another 4 times (via text, phone, and letter) over the next 3 weeks only to get the response that he was busy guiding other hunters and how he was impacted by the windstorm at his house, and said he would contact us "around Nov 1st". 3 text over the last 10 days and we haven't heard a thing.
During this time I contacted the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia (GOABC) because he markets that he was President during 2012 (?); they oversee the 175+ Guides and Outfitters of British Columbia. The CEO let me know he hasn't been a member for a few years even though Mark alludes that he still is in his contract and advertising. While they didn't use these words exactly, it was due to complaints and lack of resolution within their Code of Ethics.
We are not newbies at hunting. We are all 60, in good shape, pretty easy going, successful hunters who put the time in for that success, and combined we have about 142 years of hunting experience. Collectively we paid him and his guides over $28,500.00 USD in guide/Outfitter fees, License, Tags, Harvest Fees, and tips (yes we still tipped the guides), and spent another $2,000.00 in Diesel, Hotels, and Food. This is not a case of poor timing, low populations, winter kill, or even bad luck. It’s simply a case of a guide not preparing his territory all summer like he claims, inexperienced guides, and not focusing on his Guiding/Outfitter business. I am just letting you know our experience and opinion with this Outfitter.
Jim Delmore
I'm truly sorry to hear this. I've had a couple of truly wonderful experiences with outfitters but also a couple like yours.

Several years ago I booked a Alberta Deer hunt with a Moose tag. It was by far the most expensive Whitetail hunt on the planet at the time and the Outfitter was a consummate salesman. Usually I can flesh out the B.S'ers but this guy actually was a world class hunter, unlike laid off local lineman he hired to guide me. After a couple days sitting behind his house while he watched Maury Povich, I drove home.

Thank You for detailing the account here for anyone to find when they are doing their own research.
Did you talk to him?
Sorry you had that experience. It’s such a gamble booking a hunt. I put a lot of faith in GOABC members. For others reading this thread, if the outfitter is in BC and not a member, he probably needs to be avoided. If anyone attends one of the big hunting expo shows, GOABC will have a booth there. Stop and talk to them. Their comments or lack of about anyone you are considering will be helpful.
Something at work came up at the les second and I wasnt able to go, but I did make it to the Sportsman's Show in Washington to talk to prospective hunters and let them know about our hunt experience. The Guide Outfitter's Association of British Columbia (GOABC) is amazing. All of their members sign a Code of Conduct that Mark Werner of BC Guide Outfitter's couldn't/wouldn't adhere to
Wow... that is horrible, I had just seen them a week ago at the West Wa Sports show and it caught my attention because there is an Kispiox Valley Outfitter who's website is bcguidedhunting.com but these NOT the same people...
That must be hard to have to explain the difference. I work for a company that has to go thru the same thing with another company that has been a notorious black mark in the industry. I did see Mark at the Washington show and just made it a point to talk to as many people that had just left his booth. My opening line to them was "hey I just saw you talking to Mark Werner. My hunting party just finished hunting with him this last September; and IF you would like to hear about our experience I'd be more than happy to share it with you". Everyone wanted to and were completely thankful to me taking time off and letting them know about our experience. Interestingly enough I also got the chance to talk to other outfitters in British Columbia and 3 of the 4 were very familiar with him and had already heard the horror stories. One had a booth right next to him a few years ago and was shocked at the "lies coming out of his mouth". They all were members of the GOABC and supportive of each other, BUT remarked how he hurt their industry
Me too, and I've still had 2 experiences like the OP's. Sadly it happens.

I'm truly sorry to hear this. I've had a couple of truly wonderful experiences with outfitters but also a couple like yours.

Several years ago I booked a Alberta Deer hunt with a Moose tag. It was by far the most expensive Whitetail hunt on the planet at the time and the Outfitter was a consummate salesman. Usually I can flesh out the B.S'ers but this guy actually was a world class hunter, unlike laid off local lineman he hired to guide me. After a couple days sitting behind his house while he watched Maury Povich, I drove home.

Thank You for detailing the account here for anyone to find when they are doing their own research.
That is Brutal, so sorry to hear about your experience. You summed up our experience as well. We can usaully spot the BS'ers, but Mark is a GREAT sales person. If he put as much effort into his hunts as he does his salesmanship, he wouldn't have to sell.
Sorry to hear about your experience.

I lived and worked where h guides and even in my best years, I would see a few moose, a few more bears and the very odd deer. Some of his "spike camps" had to be taken down as they were derelict and rotting where they stood. The area he guides in is very busy with resident and first nation hunters and with all the roads and logging going one, the country is just not like it used to be for moose. Much better places within 6 hours of PG and some pretty good guide companies with good moose hunting a minimum resident pressure.

But the biggest thing is that Mark has his wildlife monitoring company. He has a huge contract for the LNG pipeline being built across BC and that is his bread and butter for $$$. I believe the guiding takes second seat to the project. A few buddies have worked for him.

He also has a few other irons in the fire

His monitoring company

Apparently he has great wolf hunting....maybe that why he has no moose

Looks like he was also busy with this in 2004....

And he runs this as well

And he guiding company

When I was guiding, I would always ask if the client wanted to be a reference, whether they were successful or not, as some of the best reference is a hunter that didn't shoot an animal but still had a successful hunt. Always ask for references and get at least 3-4 who didn't shoot an animal. Sometimes you will just get a pissed of hunter who no one can please, but most will tell you the truth. And don't be afraid to ask the hard questions. And don't be afraid to walk away!!

Hope your next trip is more of a success.

