any updates?? if using the bdx3000, do you still have to do the whole point the phone thing or do the binoculars link to the app somehow and give it the correct location? If that it the case, it's pretty much the same as I've been doing for years onx, I range and then using the distance line to guess roughly where the animal is. That is kind of cool but not nearly as accurate as if the binos would just send a pin to the exact location. That would be amazing and make me purchase the Basemap app. Otherwise, you are still looking at an elk or deer 1700 yards away and trying to tell which set of trees or draw he is bedded in. It's alot tougher than 1 would think to tell on the maps which cut or brush they are in that you need to come up on from the other direction. Pointing the phone, or the using the phone's internal compass is pretty inaccurate, enough so that it will get you in the area but if they are hidden and you have to come from the other side due to wind and everything looks different, it's tough to not bump the bull. An exact location drop from a mile away and across a valley would be awesome. Any updates would be great.... Basemap rep or anyone using the Sig BDX binos have any experience?