Barrett Fieldcraft cerakote issues?

Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
I just picked up a Fieldcraft and after hearing/reading about rust issues, I was thinking that I would just go ahead and get the barrel and action cerakoted. Has anyone done this with their Fieldcraft and had any problems? The reason I ask is because I worry about how tight the action and barrel fit into the stock (no free float, etc.), and I wonder if the thin coating will create problems.

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Greg, I emailed Barrett about it and was told it would void the warranty on the rifle. Wasn’t pleased to hear that.

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Only option is to Cerakote then re-bed action and barrel channel.

How often really do folks use warranty? I own 300+ guns and only used a “volunteer” recall on two different rifles with barrel issues that the factory said had issues grouping.

With regard to your specific deal with Barrett. There is no way I would let a rifle rust (with possible failure issues days from an Bush flight pickup) when there is an easy way to rectify that propblem.

I own 8 Fieldcrafts and the couple I have taken into the field have rusting issues. The two that I Cerakoted and re-bedded shoot exactly as good as pre Cerakoting, actually a touch better. But now those two have no rust issues in the field.

There is no way NOT to re-bed them if you do decide to cerakote. They are way to tight after coating and depending on who did your coating, might not even get them to go down into the stock. Let alone all the stress imparted onto action and stock, you might have grouping issues.

I also live in Alaska. PM me if you want to discuss more.

Came across this tonight, looks like Barrett is cerakoting some fieldcrafts now.

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Only option is to Cerakote then re-bed action and barrel channel.

How often really do folks use warranty? I own 300+ guns and only used a “volunteer” recall on two different rifles with barrel issues that the factory said had issues grouping.

With regard to your specific deal with Barrett. There is no way I would let a rifle rust (with possible failure issues days from an Bush flight pickup) when there is an easy way to rectify that propblem.

I own 8 Fieldcrafts and the couple I have taken into the field have rusting issues. The two that I Cerakoted and re-bedded shoot exactly as good as pre Cerakoting, actually a touch better. But now those two have no rust issues in the field.

There is no way NOT to re-bed them if you do decide to cerakote. They are way to tight after coating and depending on who did your coating, might not even get them to go down into the stock. Let alone all the stress imparted onto action and stock, you might have grouping issues.

I also live in Alaska. PM me if you want to discuss more.

Agree. I could care less about the warranty, but I find it interesting that cerakoting voids it.
I was kind of thinking that that’s what I would have to do (re-bed), if I cerakoted, but I was hoping to hear otherwise.
I guess I’ve been lucky when it comes to my stainless steel rifles, or pistols for that matter, rusting in the field, as I’ve never really had an issue. I tend to spike out for extended periods of time on my hunts and I’m a bit of a minimalist, so I don’t carry extra stuff specifically for cleaning firearms. I do wipe my firearms down at the end of the day, if they’re wet, but that’s the extent of my “gun cleaning”, when I’m in the field. I guess it wouldn’t be a big deal to carry a silicone rag, if I do decide not to cerakote it.

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Just a question, because I really don't know, other than removing the rings/scope, how much further do they have to disassemble it to apply the coating? Are the barrel and action taken apart ?? If so, reassembly might change headspace- Maybe Barrett thinks something like that might cause future problems that they don't want to be responsible for. If deadwolf is correct (post #8), I would either order one cerakoted from Barrett or maybe return mine to them to have them do it.
The issues I could see would be application variables. When I coat a rifle I do not coat the bolt head. I stop right behind the lug surfaces. When I coat the action I make sure not to blast the lug abutments, chamber, crown and screw holes.

Does everyone roll the same? Hard to say. I wouldn't want some stranger with a blaster chewing up my work anymore than they do so it makes sense to me.

If the coating is applied correctly it'll be thin enough that I have a hard time believing that it will not fit the stock. I'm not sure what compound they use, but even the best compounds have some shrinkage and the coating should pass. I've coated plenty of rifles that are bedded with devcon 10110 which has a very low shrinkage rate and they still fit fine.

Just my $.02
I spoke with CS today and the gentleman I talked to said that I shouldn’t have any issues with the cerakote and that it wouldn’t affect the warranty. So, as soon as I get it, it’ll be taken in to get coated.

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I love it when you different answers depending on who answers the phone

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Agree. I could care less about the warranty, but I find it interesting that cerakoting voids it.
I was kind of thinking that that’s what I would have to do (re-bed), if I cerakoted, but I was hoping to hear otherwise.
I guess I’ve been lucky when it comes to my stainless steel rifles, or pistols for that matter, rusting in the field, as I’ve never really had an issue. I tend to spike out for extended periods of time on my hunts and I’m a bit of a minimalist, so I don’t carry extra stuff specifically for cleaning firearms. I do wipe my firearms down at the end of the day, if they’re wet, but that’s the extent of my “gun cleaning”, when I’m in the field. I guess it wouldn’t be a big deal to carry a silicone rag, if I do decide not to cerakote it.

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I just take one of these and re-use it each day...knowing it won't be totally "clean":
I called a month or so ago and they said the 280ai had been "shelved". After hearing various rumors about fieldcraft production in general, called again 2 weeks ago. Was then told they had decided suspend production of the fieldcraft likely until mid 2021 in order to be able to fully support their recent large government award. The last ones from the plant are currently being shipped out.
I called a month or so ago and they said the 280ai had been "shelved". After hearing various rumors about fieldcraft production in general, called again 2 weeks ago. Was then told they had decided suspend production of the fieldcraft likely until mid 2021 in order to be able to fully support their recent large government award. The last ones from the plant are currently being shipped out.
That's a shame given the quality of the Fieldcraft rifles. Luckily I convinced my father to pick one up a few months ago and he loves it. So we got in before they stopped production. I still love the way they handled the muzzle threading for suppressors.