Barrel length - loudness

Dec 17, 2019
I know that a 16 or 18 inch barrel will be louder than a longer one, but I've never done a side-by-side comparison of two rifles of the same caliber with different barrel lengths. Me and my family always wear hearing protection when shooting - with hearing pro on, will the difference be really noticeable between these short barrels and longer ones? I was looking at an 18" 243, but I don't want to subject myself or others to greater potential hearing issues. (A suppressor might be in my future, but it's not happening at this time).
In my experience powder charge plays a big role.
16” 223. 6.5 grendel, 6x45, and similar volume cases are ok.
18-20” 308 size case and bigger seem to have lots of muzzle blast.
When you get into long action stuff 30-06 ect… 18-20” makes for a fire breathing dragon.

Currently my shortest non-suppressed 308 sized rifle is a youth 7mm-08 ruger American compact (youth) in 7mm-08. I have no idea why they made it and even less of an idea why I bought it for my kid.

But….. I don't like loudeners (muzzle brake) ect… to me when guys are shooting them it takes muffs and foamies to moderate the noise and concussion.
So take my opinion with a grain of salt. If your a guy that hunts with a brake with no ear pro and think one or two shots is OK, then maybe an 18” 243 is pleasant for you.
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I know that a 16 or 18 inch barrel will be louder than a longer one, but I've never done a side-by-side comparison of two rifles of the same caliber with different barrel lengths. Me and my family always wear hearing protection when shooting - with hearing pro on, will the difference be really noticeable between these short barrels and longer ones? I was looking at an 18" 243, but I don't want to subject myself or others to greater potential hearing issues. (A suppressor might be in my future, but it's not happening at this time).
So back in the day, my first centerfire rifle was a Rem 600 with an 18” barrel in 243. Terrible gun to start a kid on. I called it the fire breathing dragon due to the 2’ diameter hoop of fire that came out of the muzzle when you fired it and the concussion from the muzzle blast was ridiculous. Recoil wasn’t bad, but the muzzle blast caused flinches that took years to get over. But if you stuck a $480 AB A-10 suppressor on that gun and it would have been a pussy cat. My advise is stick with 22” unless you are going to suppress. But seriously… Suppress.
My 22-250 has an 18 my 6CM is 20. Of those two the 18in 22-250, seems, much louder then my 6CM does and has a noticeably sharper crack to it. I shoot just about everything suppressed and couldn't imagine shooting either one without a muffler screwed on the end of it because bare, damn, they are LOUD!
I have a 3006 carbine with an 18” barrel. Its is really unpleasant to shoot, partly due to recoil but also due to the concussion. Any sort of echo from trees, roof over shooting benches, etc its really noticeable. Out in the wide open is noticeably less. Id plan to suppress it if you go short.
I bought a 16.5” .243 REM 700 that had a muzzle brake on it. That gun had a muzzle blast & concussion with 95gr bullets like a 10.5” AR would shooting 77gr 5.56’s. Even with ear pro would be uncomfortable just from the concussion.

Added a suppressor and now I can shoot the 16.5” .243 now without ear pro comfortably.
26" 7stw for a decade, using a 5 port brake the last year, cut to 24" a few months ago, cut to 20" a cpl days ago. Never really noticed a difference in sound but I use plugs with electronic muffs.
I had a similar thread on this is if you want to try searching. Maybe use concussion or blast as terms.
I know I saw some data years ago for different length barrels on a 12 ga and it was only 3-5 db difference. Less than I expected. I bet you can look at residual pressure in QL or GRT and it should give a good idea of how loud. Unless running a can it won’t be hearing safe. All a matter of how much damage is done per shot.
I have a 18” 6.5 saum that is incredibly loud suppressed and unsuppressed.

Not worth it in my opinion.
26" 7stw for a decade, using a 5 port brake the last year, cut to 24" a few months ago, cut to 20" a cpl days ago. Never really noticed a difference in sound but I use plugs with electronic muffs.
I know blokes that you could hit on the head with a stick and they wouldn’t notice
My 6 creed started as a 24" barrel. Had it cut down to 18" in preparation for my suppressor approval. It was much louder at 18"...noticeably even with earpro.

Now it's extremely quiet with a suppressor. No muzzle blast (at 18" with no suppressor the muzzle blast would kick up enough dirt/dust while prone to be annoying) and substantially reduced noise.

I put off buying a suppressor far too long.
My 6 creed started as a 24" barrel. Had it cut down to 18" in preparation for my suppressor approval. It was much louder at 18"...noticeably even with earpro.

Now it's extremely quiet with a suppressor. No muzzle blast (at 18" with no suppressor the muzzle blast would kick up enough dirt/dust while prone to be annoying) and substantially reduced noise.

I put off buying a suppressor far too long.
Wish I’d bought a can 30 years ago. I’d have a lot less tinnitus now if I had.
I put off buying a suppressor far too long.
I'd bet a lot of us would say that. I bought my first cans about 15 years ago and up till I bought the very first ones always thought the process was much more involved or difficult then it actually was. After getting done with the paperwork the first time and the shop I used telling me ok that's it now we just sit and wait for the approval to come back I still remember thinking, wait, that's it?! I don't know why but in my head I had it as a much more involved process then it was and now, pfft forget about it, it's sooooo much faster.

I always tell people if you even remotely think you want a suppressor DO NOT WAIT or overthink it because it's never been easier or faster than it is right now and once you get that first can and start using it you too will say "I put off buying a suppressor far too long"!!