Bargain gear for the poor or beginners and tight asses.

I’ve been hunting remote Alaska for moose and caribou since 2002, have gone up from Maryland 13 or 14 times, and going back this year. The trip costs a lot with bush flights and airline flights to Alaska, so I have always been cost-conscious about gear.

I use a Ruger bolt action .338 Winchester Magnum, with a Leupold 2x – 8x variable scope – both are more than enough quality to meet my needs. I use a pair of Nikon Monarch 10x42 binos that I paid about $300 for back around 2004 or so, they are still going strong and may never be replaced.

I buy my clothes and boots off Sierra Trading post or Steep and Cheap – be patient and buy off-season, and they have some great deals. I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than $50 for any piece of clothing, and have never paid more than $115 for a good pair of Asolo hiking boots. I don’t do name brand hunting clothes, I grew up in Alaska and remember hunting in jeans and t shirts when I was a kid. I am still using the hunting pants, shirts, and jacket that I bought for my 2002 hunt. They last a long time if you take care of them.

The other thing I do to save money – I never buy anything the first time I think I want it. If I keep thinking about it, and still want it and have a logical use for it, then I buy it after waiting for a sale. Impulse buys cost people a lot of money that can be used for other gear.

Agree with everyone else on getting quality shoes, sleeping bag, and backpack. Just be patient and watch for sales, they will come…
Good advise. Thanks. This is what I do. I rarely buy anything full price. I usually wait for a sale or closeout.
Looks like the type of thread I’m looking for. I wish there was a category just for it. Seems like it’s too spread out when you wanna try info on bargain/ cheap gear. It’s mixed in with all other gear reviews. I though about going into the “antelope” and “elk” categories and starting a “first time hunting gear” thread. But it’d probably just get lost in all the other stuff.

I was just going to type “it’s lost in the mix, not many threads titled to what you’re looking for”. A net value gear section would be nice.
I am primarily a "mid-priced" buyer on most gear. I did spend a decent amount on boots (Salomon) and my pack (EXO) as they seem to be two places not to skimp on too much based on comfort. I also buy things on close out; sleeping pad, bag, and various other gear. I find if it was great 2-3 years ago it should still be good now. Some gear just do not make huge leaps in improvement/performance like others.

Used, Camofire, Sierra Trading Post, etc are good places to look. Buy what works for you.
Some mid-priced gear that’s worked for me...

Cabelas microtex pants (only buy on sale, new version fits a little tight)

Omni wool baselayer (like these but will be shopping for a higher content of merino in the future)

eBay filson, Pendleton, or woolrich wool shirts

As others have mentioned cabelas pack frame

Tikka rifles (Weatherby vanguard if you don’t mind heavy)

Burris FFII, Weaver Classic, Natchez Nikon refurbs for cheap optics

Hornady interlocks or Speer Hot Cor for good cheap hunting bullets that do everything a Partition will

Nikon monarch glass to hold you over until you can afford a pair of Zeiss’s Conquest😁

Boots, don’t skimp here. Had always used Meindl’s, will be trying some Sierra Trading offerings in the future.
Marine filbe pack. On an MR nice frame if you can find one cheap.

Used Dana designs pack on eBay.

Both are awesome pack options for $200 or less that will carry well and last years.
I've pretty much got my kit nailed down, but it's taken years of upgrading. Each time I would upgrade, I would trade off the old item that was being upgraded. Save up a few hundred bucks, trade in old item for a few hundred and upgraded, repeat. My binos 15 years ago were probably $200, and they've evolved over the years into Swaros today.

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Natchez always has good deals on Nikon scopes. Even the new ones. I took advantage of a deal on Wing supply or Field supply and got a Prostaff 5 16-48x60 spotting scope that was a refurb and I like it so far. Think they had it for like $290. Normally $500 new.
I wish I would’ve never bought some of the stuff I did a few years ago. Wish I would’ve spent a little more money. If I added up the stuff I bought and then upgraded a year later I could’ve combined the 2 prices and got decent stuff.
I got Konus 20-60x80 spotting scope for like $200 that’s ok. Used it antelope hunting a couple years and it worked alright. It’s big and heavy so I got a Prostaff 5 16-48x60 it’s a lot smaller lighter and the clarity is a lot better price is usually around $500. So now I got 2 “ok” spotting scopes when I should’ve just got a $7-800 vortex on camofire or something.
Bought a Nikon Aculon rangefinder for like $150 because it had good reveiws. That was a mistake. Worked good on targets to 300 yards because that’s as far as I was gonna shoot but then when I got to Wyoming antelope hunting the damn thing wouldn’t range an antelope past 200 yards. So I got rid of it and got a vortex ranger 1300 that’s been good so far.
I joined a Facebook group for Sitka gear sales. A few lunatics (it is Facebook after all) but overall good experience and some pretty good deals.
I love savage rifles. I think a decent shooter can shoot just as good with a “cheap” savage as they could with a $2500 rifle. And the customer service is awesome.

We have several Savage rifles with Leupold VX2/3 scopes that are very accurate, and as a package were under $500. Knowing what you are after and buying used can result in some great deals. Also, most .300WM rifles have been shot 5 times, and usually not sighted in properly. 😀
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Fit and material trump pattern. I've killed so damn many deer in a blue Woolrich fleece pullover that I've lost count.

I used to troll 2nd hand stores for filson, woolrich, Bemidji, Pendleton....any quality wools. I have some today that I bought used 20 years ago and still rock.

When I hear people complain about the weight of clothes, it makes me wonder where they come from. I have a down pullover, pants and mittens in my pack. They total about 1.5 pounds. I have no issues with carrying some rain/snow pants and will wear whatever is quiet and warm enough for my season.

I have sleeping Indian wool, and first lite but truthfully, I'll wear my 1980 vintage wool pants just as much or more. They are better material and I'm only out 5 bux if I destroy them.

I'd not wear I'll fitting boots or packs, but I'd take a good fitting pink one over a trendy camo print that doesn't fit me.

I'd not waste my time on glass that I cannot camp out behind for at least 2 hours straight. That's why we buy them. If you can pull it off for a few hundred bucks or if it takes 2 grand....that's a bargain. Nothing kills more critters than good glass.

Don't sweat the name, buy for function, be quiet, play the wind and kill chit.
SWFA 6x milquad rifle scope for $260 has been a great scope. Havalon knives with disposable blades, another cheap but good piece of kit.
Got some badlands latitude base layer for like $25 each. I like it as much as my $90 ea Sitka stuff. It’s a lightweight and I used in antelope hunting 25-75degrees and wore it for 5 days without it stinking. Guess it’s like a bamboo blend or something. Bottoms don’t have a fly though.
Don’t have any SWFA. I’ll have to check em out. Most of my scopes are Nikon. The buckmaster 2 has good reviews but is not that great I’ll only own one. I’ll spend more money and get something better for other guns. I bought a CVA muzzleloader that came with a Konus scope on it and it’s pretty nice. I won’t be upgrading that one.
Here's a gem too. This is the improved version of the one I have been using for 15 years. I have a lot of nice knives, but the gut blade on this knife is the money. It cuts from the underside of the hide and that means NO hair on your meat. Mine has the typical swiss army blade, just a bit longer....the current blade should be even better. The steel is good enough to get through two elk without any issues as we've boned out two a few times. It'll skin a bear and break it down as well. The saw is just like the one on your leatherman, but longer and it'll go through anything right quick.

Imo, replaceable blade knives are not something I want to rely on and this does everything I need in a light and cheap tool.
Don’t have any SWFA. I’ll have to check em out. Most of my scopes are Nikon. The buckmaster 2 has good reviews but is not that great I’ll only own one. I’ll spend more money and get something better for other guns. I bought a CVA muzzleloader that came with a Konus scope on it and it’s pretty nice. I won’t be upgrading that one.
The swfa scopes are not even in the same league as the two you mentioned. If you try'll dump the others and buy more. A fixed 10 swfa will show more detail than most sub $500 20× scopes.