Baracuta Blaze


Feb 24, 2012
Salem, OR
I was wondering if any of you have used or plan on using the Baracuta Blaze hunting knife from Havalon? It only weight 1 ounce more than the piranta edge and you have the option of using the filet knives for fish which I like the sounds of. Relpacement blades are more, a lot more but I am thinking of giving it a try.
I picked up the piranta last season used it to skin bobcats, coyotes, beaver, and racoons. Based on that I didn't like the system and will go back to carrying a real knife this season. It is dangerous to change the blades without a pair of pliers, and the blades don't last long at all. Basically it cost me one blade per animal and this was just for minimal skinning and fleshing. For butchering a big game animal, I will have a real knife with me in addition to the scalpel this season:)