Bad day

I am almost guaranteed to get altitude sickness the first couple of days until I acclimate...but instead of white people have told me I looked green...also tend to get the shakes even when its not cold out...about the only thing I can do is lay down in the tent till it passes. As some have said on here alcohol makes it way worse especially with the headache part.
Your post is so vague it's tough to make any realistic prediction as to why you are having problems.

Age, weight, activity level, underlying health conditions, previous work at elevation, diet habits. All are things worthy of consideration.

Moderate coffee consumption is not the problem.
That reads like heart-related to me. Don't push too much too fast.
And don't chug 1/2 gallon-one gallon of water without some gatorade. That much water without electrolytes isn't healthy!
What elevation do you live at, and how long were you at elevation before you went up to 7000?
I was living near sea level & cabin was 7500'. I would regularly hike to 10-12k.Did it for many years.I would take a day or two before hiking around too. I live at 7500 now....and drink tons of good water daily.
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Are you taking any medications? I went through a similar experience walking on flat ground in the heat at an elevation that was about the same as where I live.

Packing out two miles solo with an antelope in my pack put me on the ground. I thought I was going to die. It took over four hours to get back to my truck on flat ground. It took another 2 hours for the cramps to subside so that I could drive. At the time I was 54 years old. Full recovery took two days.

What caused my problem was blood pressure medication (Diuretic - water pill). I explained my lifestyle to my doctor before the medication was prescribed. Never once did she explain the side effects. I should have looked on my own, which I do today.

Below are a few of the side effects of a water pill:
  • low sodium levels
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • thirst
  • increased blood sugar
  • muscle cramps
If you're not on any meds, hopefully this message resonates with someone that might be.