Backstop Recoil Pad

Yeah, it’s a cushion.

As to why there's a bit of negativity, it has to do with the supposed testing. Once you make that claim, IMO, you're obligated to share the testing (general methods and data/results) in a non manipulated form, so that the consumer can (attempt) to verify the claims.
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Jim comes across as a great snake oil salesman.

His force graph is obviously cooked to show a certain result for those who aren't used to looking at raw data, ie, almost everybody.

His graphs conveniently leave out units, and even the full picture of the force profile. Supposed testing that they did isn't revealed other than a claim of reduced recoil, which is nonsense.

As far as the general effort on YouTube, he's high on energy and seems likable enough but I have little or no confidence in his actual ability to "test" in any valid way.

He does do a better job of getting to the point (even if it's incorrect) than many YT gun channels. An old crusty guy droning on forever is a little hard to watch, even if the information is generally better.
You make a valid point about the data. That bothered me too when I watched the video, but I am a chemist so I realize I’m already prone to nerdom and questioning data. Nonetheless, he’s got my attention. If he comes out with a pad that fits the XLR carbon buttstock, I’ll likely try it for my lightweight 7saum.
Let us know how it is. I’d like to be able to spot shots a bit better with my 30-06, it’s almost there with a silencer but if this is better than a limbsaver I’d buy it.

I tried one of the weatherby special pads on a friends rifle and it was nice but it was all dented in from the way he stored it.
I agree, if it helps me spot shots that’s a plus. Or maybe I should just start carrying my 18lb 6BR match rifle in the backcountry. 😂
It appears this is the first aftermarket buttpad available that fits any of the MDT stocks. The one that ships on the HNT26 that he showed in his video is utter garbage on anything more than a 6.5CM. MDT did it to shave weight, but they cut the wrong corner marketing this stock at hunters who shoot larger calibers.

For that reason alone I might pick one up. I posted me modifying one last year for the HNT26 last year and found a slightly better option this year, but this looks like the ticket. I've spoke with both limbsaver and kickeez and neither seems interested to make a MDT specific buttpad.

This is the better option I found except I just ground the plastic protrusion off and drilled 2 holes in the limbsaver they referenced to skip the adapter and added LOP.

Any graph with out numbers/measurement is a good way to sell a product to people who don't pay attention
He is a firm believer on the 1500 fts of energy for elk and you need a magnum for elk.....
Not really. He's talked about using rifles with less energy and didn't like what happened. He's also noted that some people think 1500 lbs is the target for Elk.

One thing to keep in mind is that many people contradict themselves if you watch enough of them. Of course, if you don't want to watch them, that's ok, too.
Not really. He's talked about using rifles with less energy and didn't like what happened. He's also noted that some people think 1500 lbs is the target for Elk.

One thing to keep in mind is that many people contradict themselves if you watch enough of them. Of course, if you don't want to watch them, that's ok, too.
He mentioned that a 6.5 PRC wasn't enough for a aoudad. But yet a 6.5 PRC ballistics will catch up to a 30-06 in a hurry. I kill a elk and moose every year which I grantee is more then he has killed living where he does
While I might disagree with some of the things presented by Backfire on the YouTube channel, I don’t think this thread was intended to be about that and I shouldn’t have brought that up. The point should be about whether or not the product is worthwhile. Personally, I’m not sold that there is a huge amount of space for innovation and engineering in recoil pads, but I’m open to reading a review and having my mind changed if someone gets one and posts their experience with it.
He mentioned that a 6.5 PRC wasn't enough for a aoudad. But yet a 6.5 PRC ballistics will catch up to a 30-06 in a hurry. I kill a elk and moose every year which I grantee is more then he has killed living where he does
He's simply giving his opinion based on shooting one. It doesn't really matter how many you've killed, or he has killed. It's his opinion.

Maybe there is someone who believes everything they watch on YouTube is gospel, but those people must be conflicted. :D
He mentioned that a 6.5 PRC wasn't enough for a aoudad. But yet a 6.5 PRC ballistics will catch up to a 30-06 in a hurry. I kill a elk and moose every year which I grantee is more then he has killed living where he does
Theres lots of folks out there that will tell you that 30-06 isn't appropriate for aoudad hunting.
For example ?
He's a died in the wool stereotypical utard.

I'm not sure he knows how wildlife management works. According to him "liberals" are ruining hunting because:
1. Govt is over reaching putting limits on weapons and seasons. Says hunter success is the same as historical rates even though there is less hunters on the landscape.
3. Lottery Tag systems are a scam, most the money goes to salaries, building and bureaucracy
4. State regulations are too confusing

He makes drab colored shirts that say blaze orange on them, because blaze orange requirements are liberal overreach and stupid..

Also, he made a video stating why he made a mistake shooting ELDm ammo vs ELDx. His proof of such is a few animals that were killed and had lousy shots, which he apparently didn't even put a knife to because he showed absolutely nothing on how the bullet acted in tissue.

Would totally fit the mold if he was misleading with those graphs.
He's a died in the wool stereotypical utard.

I'm not sure he knows how wildlife management works. According to him "liberals" are ruining hunting because:
1. Govt is over reaching putting limits on weapons and seasons. Says hunter success is the same as historical rates even though there is less hunters on the landscape.
3. Lottery Tag systems are a scam, most the money goes to salaries, building and bureaucracy
4. State regulations are too confusing

He makes drab colored shirts that say blaze orange on them, because blaze orange requirements are liberal overreach and stupid..

Also, he made a video stating why he made a mistake shooting ELDm ammo vs ELDx. His proof of such is a few animals that were killed and had lousy shots, which he apparently didn't even put a knife to because he showed absolutely nothing on how the bullet acted in tissue.

Would totally fit the mold if he was misleading with those graphs.
Of course, his opinion is worth as much as yours. I suggest going to find some non hunters/non shooters to attack unless that's your group. ;)

You asked for examples. I provided them. The guy has a big audience and advocates for stupid shit in relation to hunting regs and wildlife management so I’ll not hesitate to point it out.

I hope it’s an awesome buttpad. Just pointing out that at a minimum his credibility is lacking.
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Even his "engineer" couldn't really explain any of the physics properly. Seems like marketeering to me. The pressure graph compared to a limbsaver or other cushy recoil pads are what I'd be interested in seeing. Apples to apples. Not unbraked, solid buttpad vs suppressed cushy setup.
Even his "engineer" couldn't really explain any of the physics properly. Seems like marketeering to me. The pressure graph compared to a limbsaver or other cushy recoil pads are what I'd be interested in seeing. Apples to apples. Not unbraked, solid buttpad vs suppressed cushy setup.
The kid was a joke. I’m banking on Jim knowing more than he lets on. He dropped a few engineering wolf whistles that caused me to think the uTard facade was for views. Which is sad but understandable. We’ll see soon enough. On the face of it, a variable crush pad should outperform simple rubber in most respects.
