Backpacking Rifle Carry Methods?

Nov 30, 2016
Fort Collins, Colorado
Hey All,

I wanted to hear how everyone packs in their rifles. I do not like the idea of strapping it to the outside of the pack in case of a fall. The method where it is cradled next to your hip and arm pit like the Kifarus product is interesting. But I first want to hear other ways before I go and buy stuff.


Hey All,

I wanted to hear how everyone packs in their rifles. I do not like the idea of strapping it to the outside of the pack in case of a fall. The method where it is cradled next to your hip and arm pit like the Kifarus product is interesting. But I first want to hear other ways before I go and buy stuff.



I use the Kifaru gun bearer in the manner you mentioned. It’s quickly become my favorite way since you can access it very quickly, while still keeping both hands free. Tried the SG sling and I don’t like how long it takes to get out or put back in. I don’t need to take off my bag with the Kifaru system to reattach.

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I was just thinking about this. Last weekend for the first time I tried carrying my 308 barrel down through a molly web and I just bungeed the stock towards the top. I just did it in a pinch so I didn't have to do something else down easy 2-mile Trail. But it was shocking how well it works and I was wondering for the hike in.

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My favorite between the SG and Kifaru is the SG. I hate carrying the rifle under my arm. With SG, it does take a while to get the rifle put on the pack, but it comes off in a second with the pull of a strap while the pack is still on. Comes down to personal preference between these two systems, which I feel are the two best systems available.
Give the Mystery Ranch Rifle Sling a look....hands free, easy to unhook and re-sling the rifle; no need to take your pack off as with the SG. Also works as a standalone sling when just running the gun on its own.
FYI, the Stone Glacier weapon sling can be set up to carry similar to the Kifaru Gun Bearer. Just move the quick release buckle and webbing from the pack to the front of the shoulder strap. You can then have the butt of the rifle in the lower carrier and then place the gun under your arm and out the front. Tighten up the webbing all the way so that it’s snug and your all set.

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Absolutely love the Kifaru gun bearer. But I just use the upper strap and a length of 550 cord coming down for the butt of the rifle off my belt.
You guys using the SG sling, do you find that the cradle, attached to the waistbelt, sticks to the rubber on the butt stock when pulling out your rifle making it very awkward? Any remedies…….

I've never really noticed that and I've used that system a ton. Maybe has to do with the size of the butt stock? Or is it just the rubber that is sticking? and in that case is maybe just the makeup of the rubber?
In a Gun Bearer or your hands. Can't even imagine hiking with the butt of the stock sticking above my head catching on everything or taking a slip and driving the muzzle into the ground. I like to have my rifle where I can have some control over it and protect it in case of a fall.
My rifle is built to take a few bad bumps. I carry one of three ways -
Strapped to the pack for approach and egress



In the the Kifaru GB or in my hand while hunting

If I need/want it handy I use a Kifaru Gun Bearer on my SO Fortress. If I want it more secure but less available, I stick the butt in the Fortress pocket and use its straps to secure to the bag - this works very well. So basically the same as the post above! :)
I had a Kifaru GB that I had never used, and didn't think I'd like the rifle in my arm pit. So I ordered the SG system. I was confident I'd like it better. I was wrong. The ability to sling up the rifle with the pack on won me over. I quickly got used to the rifle under my arm, and prefer it that way now for more control.
Anyone used the Kifaru GB on a different brand of pack? I have a unaweep i am thinking of using with the KGB if its possible.
I like the SG setup, I am trying to figure out how to attach it to a Kifaru pack. I also prefer the Gunslinger Corral setup while using my Kifaru Pack. Both are easy access and keep the rifle out of my line of sight.