Backpack Stove Review - MSR vs Jetboil ***Updated 2/3/20***

Wondering for the Windburner (Windboiler) 1.0 litre whethe anyone has tried to fit an SIGG aluminum windscreen to the burner portion (I do not know if it fts) to allow non baffle type pots to be raised over the burner so they do not snuff out the flame due lack of combustion ie oxygen There are a couple of other different hacks on youtube but none with the SIGG. See link for SIGG type windscreen
one hack that I saw here was to take a small piece of copper wire or strip and run it from the flame to the pot. Copper is an amazing heat conductor and warms the gas.....all for little weight penalty.
I run a jetboil and will be making the switch to MSR pocket rocket. Love the jetboil but would like more options on how to cook besides boiling water.
On the windburner, would anyone know if you can use the provided canister for using grease to semi-deep fry with. Or are these type canisters only good for cooking with water?
Are they actually anti-hunting? They financially support organizations that fight for hunting rights (like OFAH). Are they just not stressing hunting on the website, knowing it could cause them to lose some customers? I searched and could not find any articles or links to show they are anti-hunting.
They just don’t actively advocate for hunting but for more outdoors
Would be interested to see the jetboil minimo in the comparison too!

I have used the MSR wind burner for 3 years and loved it. This year decided to get Minimo and although I do like it. It just isn’t near as durable or solid as wind burner. Couple of negatives for me:

1. the burner is very unstable so the pot once lock on will sway back and forth when full of water.
2. It really doesn’t do well in any sort of wind. I was surprised at how little wind almost would put flame out. This was my biggest complaint. Not a huge deal since it worked fine with a wind block.
3. the auto lighter doesn’t always work especially at elevation. Again not a huge deal but some buy jet boil for that feature.

things I like:
1. Wider pot so easier If cooking in pot.
2. the rigid handle was awesome.
3. the lid is easier and better than wind burner
4. The stove flat out performa in cold and elevation. The fuel regulator is as advertised.
5. it is a couple ounces lighter.

Bottomline, if you take care of it and don’t drop it off a cliff this is a great option knowing it’s draw backs like poor wind performance. it is efficient as long as you stay out of wind. One 4oz canister latest me the Entire 7 day trip using it Morning and nights. I only used it once in middle of day.