Everyone has their priorities. Right now, with an infant that doesn’t sleep well and a wife that works a lot, making it out for ~10 days out west is just not feasible. The wife would probably let me go, but I’d feel guilty and don’t want to make the trip with that weighing on me.
I still need to quench this thirst for some backcountry hunting though. Being in Missouri, there are a few large tracts of publicly accessible lands that can get you a mile or two from any road. Some of these are accessible by hiking and others can be reached only by boat or canoe/kayak and are landlocked by private land otherwise. Does anybody take advantage of similar opportunities in their home state for whitetail hunting as kind of a poor man’s backcountry hunt?
It’s hard finding like minded people around here. Most want to sleep in a fancy “deer camp”, which definitely can be a blast, but it’s not necessarily my style.