Another couple of good options are the following:
Packit Gourmet, should be easily available for you US based folks, tastes like homemade not like the mtn house, back country pantry, etc. Their Ramon noodle booster pack is worth its weight in gold. This is probably my go to for dehydrate meals if I can get them into Canada without paying an arm and a leg. It's been awhile since I ordered them though as I haven't been south of the border in awhile, normally just order it and pick it up from a hotel/post office when passing thru.
Happy Yak, these guys are out of Montreal, Quebec and the food is available at MEC, campers village here in Canada, might not be in the US?. Food actually looks like it does on the package. I've yet to have a bad one, I'd almost rate it as high as the Packit Gourmet, if it wasn't for the fact it came out of Quebec (kidding).
Packit Gourmet, should be easily available for you US based folks, tastes like homemade not like the mtn house, back country pantry, etc. Their Ramon noodle booster pack is worth its weight in gold. This is probably my go to for dehydrate meals if I can get them into Canada without paying an arm and a leg. It's been awhile since I ordered them though as I haven't been south of the border in awhile, normally just order it and pick it up from a hotel/post office when passing thru.
Happy Yak, these guys are out of Montreal, Quebec and the food is available at MEC, campers village here in Canada, might not be in the US?. Food actually looks like it does on the package. I've yet to have a bad one, I'd almost rate it as high as the Packit Gourmet, if it wasn't for the fact it came out of Quebec (kidding).