Backcountry Etiquette

I’m probably the laziest hunter I know. I generally won’t get to where I want to hunt until it’s daylight. I don’t see the point of walking in the dark. If I see other hunters, I will avoid them if there is a significant distance between us. If it’s inevitable that we will meet, I am friendly and ask about their hunt. I usually offer to help them if they are a NR, over the past couple of seasons I’ve helped pack out a bull and two deer. I feel that you get what you give and karma is a real thing.
I'm of the "if they get there first, it's their spot" school of thought. I've had guys setup camp within 100 yards of me before and it pisses me off to no end. The mountains are big and there are elk all over. If you are too lazy to scout out multiple different potential camp locations you shouldn't be on the mountain.

At the end of the day it's public land and you can do what you want, but it's a dick move if you ask me.

If I'm out running around on the mountain and I run into another hunter I'm happy to have a conversation with them and discuss plans. If we have the same plan I pretty much always allow the other guy to have at it and I change my plans.
Could not have said it better myself.
Sometimes there are only so many areas to park and walk in, especially with how many tags this state likes to give out.