Charging of cards may not be over just yet. Don't expect results to be posted for another week or so.
So you're saying there's a chance!?Charging of cards may not be over just yet. Don't expect results to be posted for another week or so.
My card just got hit for deer about an hour ago!![]()
I guess I was first loser in the regular draw. It used my points but I've been wanting to burn my points anyways so I'm pretty happy with the dealhow'd you pull that off? good work. does it cost you your bonus points?
Pointguard is no longer available right before they start hitting cardsI have the same questions every year. I need to start writing down dates when results come out and when my card gets hit
That’s a sweet tag congrats! First hunt or late?So I guess I need to go buy some lottery tickets since the G&F just gave me a surrendered tag in 12AE
First rifleThat’s a sweet tag congrats! First hunt or late?