Axcel Driver Sight


Dec 25, 2012
This sight seems to be getting a lot of attention this year. I know very few have been distributed thus far, just curious if anybody on here has had a chance to use this sight yet? Or what the general thoughts are? I've never owned an Axcel sight before. Always been Spot Hogg and Black Gold for me. Thanks
Can't speak to the Driver specifically, but they are very high quality sights. Ive got a Landslyde, which I wouldn't replace with a driver. Also have a 7 pin Armortech fixed pin that is over 10 years old and still rock solid. If you want rifle scope quality archery sights Axcel is the way to go. I'm sure the Driver is a great sight, but just has some ergonomic tweaks over the Landslyde (Which was also extremely hyped when it came out.)
This sight seems to be getting a lot of attention this year. I know very few have been distributed thus far, just curious if anybody on here has had a chance to use this sight yet? Or what the general thoughts are? I've never owned an Axcel sight before. Always been Spot Hogg and Black Gold for me. Thanks
The driver is very lightweight. In every other way the landslyde is still better. I personally don't like the windage being on the inside, and the bridgelock mount is really close to the riser. It's no as tough as the boonie which is a great sight this year as well