last year i got in true elk hunting shape. i was hiking 6 miles with 80 lbs on my back, an hour on either a tm set at 25 incline 4 mph or ellypicall, and maxed out my ability on wts. and was doing core training as well. to keep that up i started eating mre than i normally do. well after my elk hunt i have never got back inot a regular routine of working out and have put some fat around the mid section. while i can still do more cardio than i could a year ago i sure dont look as good and because we have been in the process of moving out west and i havnt had access to wts for about 3 mos i pretty flabbly. problem is i just cant seem to get the desire i had last year to work out consistently. im hit and miss every week and always end up saying "next week". im not whining and realize its all my fault, just thought i would share my struggles of motivation so whoever else out there thats struggling would know they arnt alone.