while I enjoy reading all this, I can't help but put my head down in disappointment. this thread was nothing more than a test. the fact that any of us responded with guilty or not guilty proves there's no such thing as an impartial jury.
for those of you who need to hear the evidence, what evidence? this is not a case that has any meat to it. its beyond simple as far as facts go. there are only 2 solid facts and one questionable fact. fact 1) dead wolf. fact 2) person shot it. the questionable fact is mistaken identity, and there's no way anyone can prove beyond a doubt that the defendant didn't see a coyote in his mind.
you guys have to realize that based on our legal system, if a case makes it as far as a jury, then its highly likely the prosecution has no substantial evidence. juries are a last option for both sides, and 90% of prosecutors will do everything they can to not go to trial. even when cases do go to trial the whole argument is designed to distract you from reality and lose focus on facts.
nothing in this world is black and white, it's all grey. if you want to say "its the law period" let me throw a scenario at you because I love ridiculous examples lol.
its 2 am, your wife, kid etc. has a life-threatening emergency. you have minutes to react, or they die. you grab them, jump in the car, and drive as fast as you can to the hospital down the road. in doing so, you broke many laws so when you arrive at the hospital you are arrested and thrown in jail.
what kind of person do you want deciding your fate? someone like you, or someone who knows laws don't always fit every situation or do anything to better society.