As a Juror, would you vote to convict someone that killed a wolf?

I read some chatter online that some people wouldnt vote to convict someone who killed a wolf.

If you were called for jury duty, would you vote to convict?
I'd get myself dismissed from the case if I knew I was incapable of fairly measuring the facts of the case against the language of the law. Otherwise, I'd have to hear all of the evidence then examine it against the law.
It`s irrelevant if I (or anyone else for that matter ) agree with ALL of them or not. If they are law, then one has to expect consequences ( well, except perhaps for our laws pertaining to immigration ) for either breaking said laws or ignoring them.
Why don't you go to DC and explain that to those running this country, or the rich who seem to be above the law. A book could be written with examples of the above, yet those same laws are applied heavily to those with less means.

I'll start believing we have a country of laws when they start applying them across the board. Until then, it comes down to who you are, who you know, or how much $$ you have.
Probably wouldn't be chosen to be on the jury after letting my opinions be known. Now if it was a grizzly....I 100% wouldn't be chosen to be on the jury.
You guys who answered "no" would be all good if a BLM protester who was videoed burning a private business was let off because of a juror who felt compelled by their personal ethics? The sad thing is when you advocate disregard for the law because can go both ways. The law either matters or it doesn't.
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You guys who answered "no" would be all good if a BLM protester who was videoed burning a private business was let off because of a juror who felt compelled by their personal ethics? The sad thing is when you advocate disregard for the law because can go both ways. The law either matters or it doesn't.
Well first, they would have to be charged with a crime…….most CA/DA haven’t and won’t let that happen. So someone has already made a decision on that.
The enforcement of laws has been favoring onside for quite a while now if you have been paying attention.
The replies that say something along the lines of "well if it's against the law, I'd convict." Makes my skin crawl. Talk about the banality of evil.
Poaching is just that. Poaching. It is illegal. Most of us hate the fact the wolves are here. But again, if it's illegal, I do not condone.
Well first, they would have to be charged with a crime…….most CA/DA haven’t and won’t let that happen. So someone has already made a decision on that.
Agreed, that was regrettable. The right way to address the issue is to vote out those who won't enforce the law.

Not to join them.
Agreed, that was regrettable. The right way to address the issue is to vote out those who won't enforce the law.

Not to join them.
It is impossible in metro Co these days… not joining them, resisting them. Here is a thought for ya say they legalized pedophilia? Are we supposed to uphold it since “it’s the law!”
I’d never make it through the jury picking process once they started asking me questions. Not that I think wolves are the boogeyman but they’d full well know how I felt about the politicians that forced them onto the landscape

Depends on the rest of the pool and the defense can make a strong argument to make it till you are in the final pool.

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I'll start believing we have a country of laws when they start applying them across the board. Until then, it comes down to who you are, who you know, or how much $$ you have.

Tell ya a story... former President of the Company I work for (we make software for the Legal Industry) told me a saying one time, that really stuck with me, and is very spot-on... and unfortunately ALSO jives with what you're saying here.. which is...

"Life?... Is like a Big Sh!t Sandwich... The More Bread Ya Got?... The Less Sh!t ya Have To Eat!"