Arrowhead Rifle's Encore .45 Caliber Barrel Updgrade

So it took me 6 months to finally shoot my arrowhead barrel (I got the brux), but I have been very pleased! Unfortunately the longest practice shot I could arrange before hunting was at 70 yards, but I loved the result! I'm not sure I could shoot a better shot from 10 yards (and I didn't want to screw up the notion that I'm an excellent shot by placing more shots in the same frame).

Gave it the live test last night in the early season antlerless season in SE MN. One shot at around 100-120 yards that dropped her in her tracks! I've been investigating the high shoulder shot and was super excited to see it work... She never even twitched after I shot!

If you zoom in on the hunting shot, you can see the white belly of the doe I shot...

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Awesome! Thanks for the feedback
A whopping 6 more bullets down the barrel of my preferred barrel. 3 at 100 and 3 at 200


I’ll have to find the 200 yd target. There was some vertical but not a terrible group. Still smaller than the avg 100 yard centerfire group from people at my range’s “public sight in day” yesterday.
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A whopping 6 more bullets down the barrel of my preferred barrel. 3 at 100 and 3 at 200

View attachment 339793

I’ll have to find the 200 yd target. There was some vertical but not a terrible group. Still smaller than the avg 100 yard centerfire group from people at my range’s “public sight in day” yesterday.
they are an amazing rifle for sure,