Arrow wraps and finding arrows

I use white reflective wraps, also for me white and blue are the easiest colors to see, I'm also red/green color blind so orange, red and bright green colors disappear in the underbrush. I've replaced individual vanes no problem when one comes off, however, if I want to replace all three or buy arrows I always prefer a wrap. After a couple of minutes of running them under hot water from the faucet and I can just peel all three off and have a perfectly clean arrow underneath ready to re-fletch.
i tried 3.5 inch white reflective wraps but they kind of lit up in the sun so I do yellow wrap and a half inch reflective ring on the back of the arrow and it's great if looking in the dark and doesn;t add a ton of weight like a nockturnal
It's been years since I had any arrow with wraps, but from what I remember the wrap would tear up and need to be replaced when refletching. I wasn't doing myself, so I really don't remember. But you guys find it easier to refletch with wraps?
The last 2 dozen arrows I bought already fletched without wraps and I like them without, but if I did them I'd go white for contrast with terrain and blood investigation.
I have started adding a 1/2" reflective wrap ring between the fletch and nock on a few arrows to see how they shot and how the wrap lasted. They've lasted so far, but haven't done a true comparison against a control group yet. There have been a few times that I couldn't find my arrow at night, but went back the next day and found it.
It's been years since I had any arrow with wraps, but from what I remember the wrap would tear up and need to be replaced when refletching. I wasn't doing myself, so I really don't remember. But you guys find it easier to refletch with wraps?
The last 2 dozen arrows I bought already fletched without wraps and I like them without, but if I did them I'd go white for contrast with terrain and blood investigation.
I have started adding a 1/2" reflective wrap ring between the fletch and nock on a few arrows to see how they shot and how the wrap lasted. They've lasted so far, but haven't done a true comparison against a control group yet. There have been a few times that I couldn't find my arrow at night, but went back the next day and found it.
What are you using for the reflective wrap ring? Is that a specific thing you buy, or just cutting something to fit?
It would be nice to have the little extra help finding one, if ever needed.
What are you using for the reflective wrap ring? Is that a specific thing you buy, or just cutting something to fit?
It would be nice to have the little extra help finding one, if ever needed.
One Stringer sells reflective wraps. I imagine buying some 10 in long ones (12 cost the same whether 3 inch or 10 inch) and cutting off 1/2 inch or 1 inch lengths would work well.
What are you using for the reflective wrap ring? Is that a specific thing you buy, or just cutting something to fit?
It would be nice to have the little extra help finding one, if ever needed.
I'm pretty sure they are Bohning, got them from an archery shop and cut them down.

I tried some regular adhesive reflective from auto department, but it separated and peeled off due to the tight radius.
I'm pretty sure they are Bohning, got them from an archery shop and cut them down.

I tried some regular adhesive reflective from auto department, but it separated and peeled off due to the tight radius.
I’ll look into that, thank you!
I just read the whole thread, great information all around. I just ordered some white wraps to try on some arrows that need re-fletched.
I am Color Blind and wraps make it way easier for me to see and find my arrows. I haven't noticed improvement is seeing my arrow is flight though.
I put some 4" reflective wraps on my kids arrows, he is 10 and puts quite a few into the dirt here and there. Definitely helps with finding his arrows. Go out at dusk with a flashlight and the wraps really light up.

I really like them and they definitely made the arrows look pretty dang good too. Will probably add them to my hunting arrows before next season.
I've used wraps for a few years and switched to use the silver reflective wraps last season. They've been very helpful at dusk/after dark. I hang my quiver at eye level and the wraps reflect enough to help get me back to my tree to pickup my gear. I've found an arrow that was reflecting my headlamp while tracking too.