Arrow weight rabbit hole

One of my favorite setups was 370gr and I've killed them over 50 yards without issue on that setup. My current 510gr does the same thing more or less and I "wasted" a lot of time/effort/money switching.

Send what you got!
My best advice you to you is, turn around and leave the rabbit hole. It is OK to read opinions on the internet and not feel the need to act on them.
If you have good consistent broadhead flight, you will be fine. I killed a lot of elk with a 390-grain arrow before I "knew better", including several pass throughs and a frontal shot that was poking out the hindquarter. Good arrow flight is your number one priority. Focus on that, a structurally strong arrow, and a strong sharp broadhead delivered accurately, and you will be fine. Elk are pretty easy to kill if you shoot them in the lungs/heart. If you miss the vitals, it's a crap shoot, and you may never see that elk again.
Rabbit hole lubed with Snake oil.....

It's funny that folks even listen to these whack jobs ....when we have a consensus from every pro in every archery discipline telling us something else.
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That Cut Throat 3 blade is a good one if you pay for the sharpening.
Thanks all, probably going to buy some more arrows. Maybe some heavier grain filed points and see if they fly well and as time gets closer and I’ve flung 1000 arrows, I’ll know more and be better!
Thanks for the feedback and advice!
I still snort the fairy dust now and then but I'm in recovery...

At 60 lb and 28in
I have killed deer with arrows from 500 down to 425 grains using magnus fixed blade heads with little variation in the result. Dead deer, broken bones and full pass through.

A well tuned modern compound with an average arrow weight (420-475) and stropped broadhead is pretty wicked.

The more I tinkered, the more I realized it was less useful than shooting or scouting or even spending more time cooking last year's venison.