I’m looking for input on arrow setup, I’m definitely novice with archery. I know there may be many views on this, but would like other’s opinions. Im a 6’ guy but have t-Rex arms and my draw length is short. My previous arrows were 28” 5mm 340 spine FMJ 16gr inserts and was shooting 100 gr broadheads speed was ~260. I wanted to get a heavier setup so I stayed with 340 5mm FMJ cut at 27” 50gr insert and will go with a 125 out front. I’m worried that I’ve slowed down too much (will chrono just haven’t yet) what’s your thoughts on too slow despite weight gain? Obviously this may be 9mm vs 45 argument (which I understand more than this archery voodoo) I’m looking for real world experience on speed vs weight with special interest in elk.