Arrow Setup & Speed Feedback


Feb 7, 2021
Hey Guys - I'm pretty new to archery, started shooting decent amount last year with some arrows that weren't thought out. Below is what I have cobbled together now and the specs. From what I can tell, this looks to be acceptable for deer and elk. I haven't shot them much yet. I'm curious what your thoughts are on the 258 fps given the 435 gr. weight with 60 lb. draw weight Seem about right? Let me know your thoughts.

Bowtech Realm SR6 - 60 lbs
28" DL
Gold Tip Hunter Pro
50 grain aluminum insert
100 gr. G5 Montec

This is what the software tells me, and it's usually pretty damn close. I'd check your ATA, brace height and poundage
Put it in the right spot and that arrow will kill a deer or elk just fine.

258 fps seems a bit slow for a bow with a 352 fps IBO speed, but I don't know how true Bowtechs typically run to advertised IBO and you didn't say whether you're shooting your bow on the performance or comfort setting.
Put it in the right spot and that arrow will kill a deer or elk just fine.

258 fps seems a bit slow for a bow with a 352 fps IBO speed, but I don't know how true Bowtechs typically run to advertised IBO and you didn't say whether you're shooting your bow on the performance or comfort setting.

It’s comfort setting and only 60lb bow.

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Apologies but I’m not sure what this is telling me? Is it saying it should be 272 fps? They are 340 spine if that matters?

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Spine doesn't matter, just checking the speed on it. I don't know bowtechs at all but if you're in comfort I'm guessing it's probably right where it should be.
It’s comfort setting and only 60lb bow.
If you reduce advertised IBO speed by 2.5 fps per pound under 70 and 15 fps per inch under 30 then take off another 10 fps for comfort setting, you get 287 fps (352 – 2.5 × 10 – 15 x 2 – 10). 350 gr at 287 fps = 64 ft-lbs of kinetic energy. Assuming KE remains constant and solving for speed at 435 gr yields a prediction of 257 fps (sqrt[64 × 450,240 ÷ 435]). Based on those rules of thumb, your speed seems reasonable.