Ideas for RIP TKO Arrow Set Up

I'm shooting a lighter weight version of what you're planning. 350 spines at 60lbs, 29.5 inch draw with the 20 something grain aluminum halfserts they used to come with. Nockturnal nocks, 125 grain single bevels, AAE hybrid 26s. Killed a pronghorn buck and mule deer doe with them so far and definitely works. I've had a could inserts pull out part way after a lot of shooting and heat cycles in the truck but no arrows or inserts break.
I have some 3riversarchery 100gr brass HIT inserts in mine currently, installation is identical as Easton. I didn't want a collar (ie 75gr stock HIT + 25gr collar) so I went with these to get the weight up front.

300 RIP TKO spine 28.25" C-C
100gr HIT + 125gr head
3 blazers, GT nocks

TAW 508gr
Copy, thank you for the insight. Will stick with IW with some collars. Suggestions on epoxy vs hot melt for install? Thanks.
I use the glue, try not to tinker and have a setup that I have not had to change in 3 years, just build a new identical set every year but prefer glue so I can adjust if necessary.

Bohning Cool Flex
All i shoot are RIP TKO and I use Brass easton Hit inserts topped with a 10 grain Titanium Iron will collar. I use blue hot melt to install. I like to tinker and change weights and stuff frequently while getting dialed in. Hasnt failed me yet. Literally broke a field point off at the end of the insert while trying to remove the arrow from a tree while getting my sight tape set up. Put one just a hair over the back of my target, Never have had one pull out or mushroom especially with the collars.
All i shoot are RIP TKO and I use Brass easton Hit inserts topped with a 10 grain Titanium Iron will collar. I use blue hot melt to install. I like to tinker and change weights and stuff frequently while getting dialed in. Hasnt failed me yet. Literally broke a field point off at the end of the insert while trying to remove the arrow from a tree while getting my sight tape set up. Put one just a hair over the back of my target, Never have had one pull out or mushroom especially with the collars.

Building this exact setup currently. 50gr brass HIT w/ blue melt, 10gr IW collar. 31”, wrap, 3 fletch. Puts me just over 500gr with a 125gr broadhead.

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Coming from shooting high poundage heavy set ups [80lbs /558g arrows], want to experiment with a set up that I can use for both 3D fun shoots and hunting. My first self build, so interested in getting feedback on the front end of the arrow.

Current bow: V3X 33 29" DL / 75lbs - swapping strings to GAS as the stocks one lost 4lbs after 300 shots.
Arrows: RIP TKO [Already bought and cut 28.25 in, no front end as of yet]
Nock: Nockturnal
Fletching: AAE Stealth 3 L Fletched Helical - Have a ton, so I'm sticking with these
Target speed - 270-285 fps
Broadheads: Iron Will / Shwacker / Sevr. 100gr

268.8 gr - shaft with nockturnal avg wt.
27.6 gr - AAE Stealth 3 fletch avg wt.
TW so far 296.4
TW 396 with 100 gr broad head [not wanting to invest in 125gr.]

Open to thoughts and experience with insert, outsert, half-sert. My other set ups use IW collars and have they have served me well.

Don't want to make this a heavy vs light set up. I've ran both. Objective is good components & flying straight as long as I do my part.

Thanks in advance.
Similar bow specs: Hoyt Ventum Pro 33”, limbs are max so guessing 70lbs, 30.5 DL. I built RIP TKO’s: cut to 29.5, Iron Will 50g insert, 10g collar, 125 Grim Reaper Hades Pro and AAE 26 Hybrid, no wrap, TAW is 485 and I’m shooting 275 FPS. They shoot great and group well but only shot BH to 45 yards at this point. I question my poundage and will check soon, lots of shooting so maybe strings need changing?