Arrow Dynamics: A Series on Hunting Arrows, By Daykota Kime


Mar 12, 2012
Trying to increase my FOC but having a hard time finding the right combo. I have played around with Pinwheel spine calc but can't seem to come up with a way to increase the without screwing with the other inputs too much. Any thoughts or rec's?

Shooting Hoyt Carbon Defiant 68 lbs, 28" Draw

Current arrow:
Easton FMJ 5mm 340, 27.75" 125 BH, 500 grains, 258 fps. 10.6 FOC

Looking at changing to
Easton Axis Match 340 , 27.75", 125 BH, 450 g, 271, 11.68 FOC

Little faster lighter arrow with slightly better FOC, is this worth it?


Feb 25, 2015
Trying to increase my FOC but having a hard time finding the right combo. I have played around with Pinwheel spine calc but can't seem to come up with a way to increase the without screwing with the other inputs too much. Any thoughts or rec's?

Shooting Hoyt Carbon Defiant 68 lbs, 28" Draw

Current arrow:
Easton FMJ 5mm 340, 27.75" 125 BH, 500 grains, 258 fps. 10.6 FOC

Looking at changing to
Easton Axis Match 340 , 27.75", 125 BH, 450 g, 271, 11.68 FOC

Little faster lighter arrow with slightly better FOC, is this worth it?

I don’t think you will see any measurable positives out of switching setups. Your flight characteristics might change a touch with the increase in velo. but I would venture to guess they won’t change toward the positive. If you’re interested in gaining FOC i would look at cutting 1”-1.5” off your current setup. You should have plenty of shaft In front of your rest (I’m 29” and shoot a 26.5” Carbon to carbon shaft) This will lower your weight slightly on the FMJ setup and significantly boost your FOC percentage. Along with stiffen your static spine and possibly allow for more weight up front.

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Mar 6, 2013
You’ll need to cut 1 11/16” off the front to get pas the standard aluminum HIT insert otherwise it will have to come off the back. If you do take it off the front you can double up on aluminum inserts 16 gr each or buy the brass 50/75 gr inserts