Area Biologist Questions?

Others who are actually more competent, have a poor phone voice and they can’t get schitt out of people. :)
Unfortunately...I feel like I'm this person. Lol. Face to face I can hold a conversation just fine, but over the phone, not a great conversationalist lol.
Thank everyone. This weekend I plan to nail down a few more questions and phrasing of them and try to give them a call next week. Someone did mention getting ahold of the area game warden and I had planned on that as well.

Thanks guys.
In WY the GWs work with the biologists and help in setting the seasons. I really owe my first ever western hunt to the GW for the area. He told me to stop overthinking it, just come out and have fun.
One question missed here, OP, is what kind of habitat they prefer during the time you're hunting. If the bio says, "Focus on the oak brush" that's way more helpful than just being like "Willow creek has good deer number."

Because if you're sitting on the south slope of "Willow Creek" looking into the north sloped timber, those deer could be right underneath you in the oak brush you cannot look into. And then the Willow Creek advice was not as helpful as it could have been in the first place.
Become a student of your game.

Ask about preferred food sources, migration routes and seasonal tendencies.

Ask about access points and which ones are most heavily used. Ask about how drought will affect movements and distribution. Ask about hunting pressure. Ask about population trends and bull to cow ratios. Be honest about what you want out of the hunt, and ask them if certain areas would fit what your expectations are.
the point is the information you need to get that should be where your eyes are set.