Are you seeing this.

Not open for further replies.’s almost laughable how many comments there are blowing this off since “BLM/Antifa did “worse” things all summer”.

And the voter fraud stuff is also very tired and played out. There is next to no chance there was the degree of fraud Trump claims there was.
Maybe laughable but they are not wrong either
At least one FBI agent confirmed today that one busload (likely more) of ANTIFA rioters infiltrated the Trump rally. False flag op.
As usual, when it comes to deception and evil, GOP = checkers, Dems = chess. The viking below was preported to be among them. Time will tell, but then again, media will never report it.

Last edited:’s almost laughable how many comments there are blowing this off since “BLM/Antifa did “worse” things all summer”.

And the voter fraud stuff is also very tired and played out. There is next to no chance there was the degree of fraud Trump claims there was.
What degree of election fraud is acceptable?
all I know is I turned on the tv many times over the summer to see much worse......and they were called “mostly peaceful”.

Today seemed pretty peaceful comparatively speaking. Just a diff party
And the crazies were likely ANTIFA, see posting above.
At least one FBI agent confirmed today that one busload (likely more) of ANTIFA rioters infiltrated the Trump rally. The viking below was preported to be among them. Time ewill tell, but then again, media will never report it.
Ya, the hammer and sickle tattoo is a dead giveaway! Evidence of the guy on his right as well. Both pictures of him at riots and on Philly ANTIFA social media. And his tattoos are ANTIFA. other guy with "trump is my president" flag and beard dreadlocks doesn't really fit the MAGA profile either. It will be interesting to learn about the individual that was shot. She could be the president of DC ANTIFA and media won't report it anyways I guess.

The side condemning riots all summer is now cheering them. The side that has called our country evil and racist and complacent to disrespecting the flag and all things "American" the last four years are suddenly offended by the lack of respect for the institutions of government. What a joke the die hards on either side are. Seriously.

Trump just needed to let his opponents talk and he wins the election. He lost the election because he couldn't shut his mouth. it was easy for Joe to hide for 8 months because Trump demanded the attention with his loud nonsense. Then he lost the senate last night because the spent the last 2 months convincing his followers their vote doesn't matter because it's all rigged. Data is showing low 80% for Republican voter turnout in Georgia. More than enough votes to swing both elections if it's just 10% more. Twitter just shut down his account. Thank God. See ya later orange man. Hopefully he hasn't completely divided and destroyed beyond repair the only party that seems to have any common sense remaining.
Shit show? What the hell did they do that was so bad? Go into the people's house of representation? I saw people walking around looking at what had been left and not even touch it! A couple of broken windows to get to where they were being prevented from? A couple of pictures taken in Nancy's office and Pence's chair?

If any of the 'protester's" from this summer had had the balls to get as far, they would have dumped 30 gallons of gas in that place and the world would be watching it burn. I saw a couple people arrested. I'm sure more will come out and I'm guessing there was some damage, but I didn't see widespread destruction by any means. I also didn't see any BLM protesters get shot... I'm not making excuses for her, but the hipocrisy is laughable.
All of the pre-election media bias made the election unfair. Apparently a large part of the population thinks the news is still the truth and the “propaganda” they feed said population does unfairly influence elections. Add the censoring by Twitter, Facebook, IG, etc and the Liberals really have the upper hand.

God Bless.
And the voter fraud stuff is also very tired and played out. There is next to no chance there was the degree of fraud Trump claims there was.

Nobody will know how much fraud took place without examination. I would think the goal should be zero voter fraud and zero voter interference; if things are allowed to be brushed under the rug, there will come a point where standards are just a shrug of the shoulders and integrity will be lost.

I personally want the proper "elect" to take the position, but I want it to happen in a manner without controversy or the possibility of being corrupt. In my eyes, it is very evident that the voting and counting process is flawed and the only way for that to get better is to examine what anyone has qualms with, figure out solutions, and implement them in a transparent manner.
It is very suspect to me that anyone in government is against an investigation of any election. I would think that every single person who believes in the foundational documents if this country want a proper election first and above all else. There is no reason to not want everything uncovered because the two results all lead to verifiable truth.
While I agree with Iron this ain’t the way to accomplish $###. Just gives the left gas for their ppoor rhetoric. I’ll stand and fight with unwavering love and devotion to our nation and way of life. Best to not mess w family or me. Happy New Year everyone
What is the best way accomplish anything? Vote harder? Look at the cesspool that washington is today. It's not getting us anywhere.
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