Are You Recoil Sensitive?

Can you shoot a magnum rifle as well as a 223 or a creedmoor?

  • Recoil does not bother me, so I shoot them the same

  • I shoot magnums better because they are more forgiving in wind

  • I shoot lower recoil better in any circumstances

  • I shoot low recoil better unsupported or off-hand, but about the same prone or from a bench

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jan 25, 2023
Similar to the poll about using small calibers on big game, this poll is designed to get the collective sentiments of Roksliders pertaining to their own perceived shooting abilities with higher recoiling or magnum cartridges versus low recoiling rounds.

No need to precisely define whether a 350 Legend or a 6.5 prc is magnum or not, or worry about muzzle brakes or cans. Please choose the answer that seems most accurate at first read.
Qualifying the answer for me, one shot in the field should not induce flinch or, IMO, be reason to flinch. Unless the progression from smaller case to larger case cartridges was not the way someone grew up shooting. I started with small calibers and cases, worked up from there. If larger case/caliber causes a flinch don't use it. I'd suspect folks that grow up on small calibers in this day and age are hesitant to shoot larger caliber / case in this day and age. Nothing wrong with that, I feel blessed to have and growing up in an era where I had the opportunity to follow a progression.
In years past I would have said I was not sensitive to recoil at all - until I inadvertently gave myself a hell of a flinch shooting 3.5" 12ga extensively for a season. Had no idea it was happening until I pulled the trigger on a malfunction, and flinched unbelievably hard. It took more than a season to fully unwind that, but what was so surprising is that I had no idea it had come on. That and related lessons left me concluding that people are more recoil sensitive than they realize, and generally just don't know the extent of that without extensive shooting across a lot of cartridges in a lot of circumstances. Can people shoot magnums fine? Of course. But it's an issue most aren't aware is affecting them, and to what degree. But it shows up instantly with a random snap-cap in the magazine.
Wouldn’t it be better to start with thread asking people to post groups from lower recoil and higher recoil guns shot in field conditions? Perhaps a fun challenge to motivate people to test themselves instead of telling us what they think their abilities are.
Wouldn’t it be better to start with thread asking people to post groups from lower recoil and higher recoil guns shot in field conditions? Perhaps a fun challenge to motivate people to test themselves instead of telling us what they think their abilities are.
I was thinking about this, actually. Something similar to the hunting drill that's been passed around in the same format as the cold bore challenge.

But I wanted to get some votes on what people though about their skills first. This is not a poll to generate objective data.
Have a 7rem-m, 22-250 and put together a 6.5cm this summer.

Like stated a couple posts above. In the field under 400, 1 shot. I was not seeing many issues. But practice during the spring/summer after 5 or so rounds. I was starting to anticipate the shot. And my accuracy went down hill.

Coupled with massive scope movement. It was making it hard to stay in the scope.

Shooting is just more enjoyable with less recoil. So I get to the range more often. Increasing my overall proficiency.
I hate recoil, which is why I don’t own or even shoot anything bigger than a 223/556. I’m a realist and know that I have less chance to shoot from the prone while hunting so I don’t care for anything larger than my little 223/556.
I was thinking about this, actually. Something similar to the hunting drill that's been passed around in the same format as the cold bore challenge.

But I wanted to get some votes on what people though about their skills first. This is not a poll to generate objective data.
Rokslide already has multiple vitriolic threads about opinions on the use of big bores vs small bores for big game. Maybe it’s time for something different.
Anyone that says they are not are lying to themselves

Why are all the proponents of small calibers so combative with their statements like this. I have shot a 300 RUM as my primary hunting rifle my entire adult life and I can very adamantly tell you that at this point recoil does not effect my shot. Would I shoot better after a while if I started shooting predominantly smaller calibers? Maybe, but at this point it's all the same for me.
The fourth choice is backwards - most will have less of a problem with heavy recoil in positions that allow the upper body to roll with the recoil.

Every person on here has a recoil limit - practice with increasing amounts of recoil increases the limit and inactivity lowers it. I was watching a shooting instructor on the boob tube flinching slightly when firing an AR, so simply picking a small cartridge doesn’t guarantee a lack of recoil issues. Kids learning to shoot a .22 pistol often tense up and want to push the barrel down, until they get some time to overcome it. Bystanders are often seen flinching at the sound, especially with brakes, so it’s guaranteed they’ll flinch while shooting.

I think of it as a natural part of being human - everyone should know how to check themselves for flinches or other involuntary body movements like neck, hand, shoulder, or even leg twitching. Load a dummy cartridge in with 3 others, or have a buddy hand you the rifle without saying if it’s loaded or not, and when the firing pin falls on an empty chamber you’ll know instantly. Everyone is an individual and needs to work up gradually.
While I shoot my magnums well, I would by lying if I said I can shoot them just as well as the smaller cartridges. Just the fact that I’m aware of my shooting position when I’m behind a big rifle to alleviate the pain and possibility of scoping myself says all I need to know.
What you shoot better and what has better hit odds are not always the same thing. If you compared a 6 BR to a 7 SAUM of equal mechanical precision at 100 yards, results are going to favor the BR. The BR is also likely to be favored inside a certain distance. As you get way out there the SAUM might have better hit rates due to BC in tough conditions.
At a minimum, shooting a light recoiling rifle should make a guy better at shooting heavier recoil. If you develop good habits, they will carry over.

I essentially started with a 7RM and it took some time to fix the bad habits. My recoil anticipation was very high for some time.
To a degree but for me and presumably many others, it's not only recoil causing a flinch. Target panic is a whole other thing that infects archery and rifle shooters alike. It takes some serious mental training to overcome and low recoil significantly helps.

Once good fundamentals are second nature it can be deliberately maintained.
Rokslide already has multiple vitriolic threads about opinions on the use of big bores vs small bores for big game. Maybe it’s time for something different.
If any of those threads included a poll similar to this, I'd love to see the results. I could not find one in my search.

While I understand your point about fatigue on the topic, I really just want the votes. If it turns into a vitriolic discussion beyond that, selfishly I'd appreciate it if it generated more votes, but I'm not looking for the answer in the comments.

I'd love to use this poll as the first step towards a modified kraft drill challenge. If you have no interest in moving the discussion forward, I completely understand.