Are paper maps a dying breed??

yes the freakin grammer police done showed up.
oh I see they showed up in force...I just don't understand where I went wrong and would like to know as to fix it...unless its the name, I misspelled that 23 years ago and refuse to change it! haha
oh I see they showed up in force...I just don't understand where I went wrong and would like to know as to fix it...unless its the name, I misspelled that 23 years ago and refuse to change it! haha
Haha just giving you a hard time man. Now everyone is confused about my post since you edited it!

Just take it in stride and own it, you should change it back for some comic relief :)

We've had too much political BS on this forum and this is a great discussion!
MyTopo and if you can get them for your hunting area, the NATGEO maps are the best IMO. I grew up in the USMC before we had GPS for small units. As a matter of fact we were not even taught GPS nav. I'll always have a paper map.

Lost my GPS on the mountain last year, and had the weather been bad, having the map and compass could have saved us.

I also like being able to pull it out and not have to scroll on the tiny screen to see a large area.
I told my wife one of these days i was going to assemble my Montana maps and wallpaper a man cave.

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Hey Jeremy, not Montana but, I have almost every single topo map for AK. No joke, assuming you don’t live in a 10,000 sq. ft. house, I could probably wallpaper your entire home.


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Hey Jeremy, not Montana but, I have almost every single topo map for AK. No joke, assuming you don’t live in a 10,000 sq. ft. house, I could probably wallpaper your entire home.


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My wife would love that haha, I’ve already been threatened with no more goats on the wall. I told her this year I’ll just tan the hide and hang it from it’s nose with the bears. I think that will keep me safe and out of trouble!

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Hey-ell to the yes on paper maps!
.....before the little ankle biters came along, I would spend a few months a year road tripping from AK to the Southwest....always had a tote full of maps, atlases, etc....
...." hey, where's this squiggly little line on the map go?.....let's find out"....:D
Hey Jeremy, not Montana but, I have almost every single topo map for AK. No joke, assuming you don’t live in a 10,000 sq. ft. house, I could probably wallpaper your entire home.


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When I lived up in Fairbanks I would get all of my maps at the College. Was so cool to walk in and flip through the giant book, then buy a 1:24000 map of your choosing!
I get one for the area I’m hunting in from MyTopo and carry it in the rear pocket on my AGC. I also always have a state atlas in the truck. It gives a larger perspective instead of the small gps or phone screen.
I like paper maps. Maybe that's cause I have a flip phone. Nat Geo are good if there is one for your area. For WY and CO I have DIY Hunitng maps. I don't care for the Mytopo whole unit maps. They are ok for generalization of where everything is in the unit, but not for pinpointing specifics. Years ago did some customs from Mytopo, they're ok. Lately I use Caltopo. Print out a map of each little honey hole. If you have waypoints saved can add them to the Caltopo maps.
When I lived up in Fairbanks I would get all of my maps at the College. Was so cool to walk in and flip through the giant book, then buy a 1:24000 map of your choosing!

When the USGS on the APU campus was moving they decided that instead of relocating all the maps they would just give them away. So I went down and grabbed one of each. They didn’t have every topo of the state, but they had most of them, and I brought home well over 100.

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MyTopo and if you can get them for your hunting area, the NATGEO maps are the best IMO. I grew up in the USMC before we had GPS for small units. As a matter of fact we were not even taught GPS nav. I'll always have a paper map.

Lost my GPS on the mountain last year, and had the weather been bad, having the map and compass could have saved us.

I also like being able to pull it out and not have to scroll on the tiny screen to see a large area.

Mytopo is what I was looking for. Thanks!
Here in the Midwest there are map books available to cover large areas. I keep these in my truck all the time, they are very handy. I love paper maps. You can print maps from USGS but it takes a bit of time to do. (zoom, print, tape together etc.)

Click on the basemap gallery (looks like four small squares on the tool bar) and you can get several different map layers, not just topo.
Those sound similar to the map books I bought last year from sportsmans connection maps. I have one of their fishing maps as well. Really nice books to have for your state if they offer them. They don't have any western states yet though, but many more state options now than they had when I ordered mine.
I always have a paper topo in a Ziploc in my bag. Being a dinosaur - I still use a compass and a UTM grid tool also....

Here in CO most USFS/BLM offices have paper quads and 1:100,000 land status (ownership) maps also.

(Didn't know quite how to react last year when my hunting area all fit on one quadrangle and wasn't on the edge of 3 maps....40+ years hunting and that's never happened....)