Are City Firefighters Overpaid?


Nov 16, 2019
It all depends on location. Some are paid a lot, some barely get by. It really is not a standard across all cities.

I find the stance that to ask the question is some how wrong, just ignorant. We should question every government employees pay on a regular basis. We are the ones paying it. This is not free money.


Jun 24, 2020
Well just keep in mind, the public sucks. That's facts you can take to the bank.

I remember a few natural disasters back home where the armed forces were deployed and saved lives and preserved countless structures.

Some owners would later complain on the news that the army ONLY saved their houses but didn't help with the clean up after... Same type of people who complain about firefighters grocery shopping or working out on duty, with a radio, ready to respond within a moment's notice.

Wait until these people find out FF sleep on the job too... o_O
Feb 20, 2020
Like most things in life it is probably pretty close to a bell curve. A small percentage are grossly overpaid, a small percentage are grossly underpaid (or 100% volunteer), and the majority are fairly compensated.


Jul 10, 2018
Like most things in life it is probably pretty close to a bell curve. A small percentage are grossly overpaid, a small percentage are grossly underpaid (or 100% volunteer), and the majority are fairly compensated.
Generally speaking it’s not a well paid job. The west coast is paid pretty well, not sure about the east coast big cities, but the rest of the country it’s pretty poor.

Some of the high FF incomes you see reported as public info can be misleading because of overtime. Some cities will put off hiring more FF and make the current FF’s work a ton of OT. There is usually a couple guys that volunteer to work a ridiculous amount of OT and will make a lot of money but they will spend more of their time at work than at home with their families.
Dec 13, 2023
My dad was gone for 36 to 48 hours at a time AND 150 miles away! He was neither fire nor police.
There are other occupations out there that require separation from family.
Fire, police or other, a missing parent is not good.
My biggest salvation was my grampa lived a mile away, was retired and spent hours and hours with me. I spent MANY hours walking (rural area) walking that mile back and forth.

I spent a summer as an OTR driver. To get home more than 2 or 3 times a month was rare. ....and seldom more than a day!
Came in from a road trip. The youngest crawled up into my lap and fell into a deep sleep.
That's when her mom told me, "She's been telling the neighborhood kids she doesn't have a daddy anymore. He left home!"
Sitting right beside the phone, I simply turned and called Human Resources!
"This is So & So! Tell them I won't be back. I quit!"
She and I spent the next three weeks finding me another job! I was still driving, but I was home every night.

....and the old argument about, "Never know if they're coming home!"
If you have to drive to your work location, there is a chance, " won't make it home!..."

How do I know?
December 16, 1991!
Involved in a head on collision! 💥
Didn't make it home for 3 weeks! Other driver never made it back home!

It's a chance we all take!


Nov 15, 2018
My dad was gone for 36 to 48 hours at a time AND 150 miles away! He was neither fire nor police.
There are other occupations out there that require separation from family.
Fire, police or other, a missing parent is not good.
My biggest salvation was my grampa lived a mile away, was retired and spent hours and hours with me. I spent MANY hours walking (rural area) walking that mile back and forth.

I spent a summer as an OTR driver. To get home more than 2 or 3 times a month was rare. ....and seldom more than a day!
Came in from a road trip. The youngest crawled up into my lap and fell into a deep sleep.
That's when her mom told me, "She's been telling the neighborhood kids she doesn't have a daddy anymore. He left home!"
Sitting right beside the phone, I simply turned and called Human Resources!
"This is So & So! Tell them I won't be back. I quit!"
She and I spent the next three weeks finding me another job! I was still driving, but I was home every night.

....and the old argument about, "Never know if they're coming home!"
If you have to drive to your work location, there is a chance, " won't make it home!..."

How do I know?
December 16, 1991!
Involved in a head on collision! 💥
Didn't make it home for 3 weeks! Other driver never made it back home!

It's a chance we all take!
So your point is that other professions may also be underpaid, therefore it's acceptable for first responders to be underpaid? If I missed your point, please feel free to clarify.
Dec 13, 2023
@ Drenalin

"... If I missed your point, please feel free to clarify. ..."

Ding! Ding! Ding!
....but thank you for playing the game!


Dec 12, 2023
With over 15 years as a volunteer firefighter, no they are not overpaid. Teachers are not overpaid. Healthcare workers are not overpaid.

Sports players and actors and actresses are.

I'm always curious about folks who have the stance of your last sentence...

Why are they overpaid? Doesn't it seem the folks cutting the checks to them must feel they are worth it?

Do you think that if they weren't being paid that money it would somehow make it's way to the salaries of folks you find more deserving?


Mar 15, 2023
Upstate NY
I'm always curious about folks who have the stance of your last sentence...

Why are they overpaid? Doesn't it seem the folks cutting the checks to them must feel they are worth it?

Do you think that if they weren't being paid that money it would somehow make it's way to the salaries of folks you find more deserving

I specifically feel that your income should be based on what your career contributes to society. We can certainly exist without professional sports and movies. We cannot exist without healthcare, protective services, and education. In my opinion it is not right that a teacher, who teaches our children, or a doctor who keeps you alive, or a police officer that protected you from a violent crime....can struggle through life living paycheck to paycheck. But someone who throws a ball for a living, is a millionaire. Unfortunately your worth is only what your employer can profit off of your successes, not what it means/contributes to society. Just my opinion.
Feb 10, 2017
We work 48's. I can say I have never witnessed nor heard of any sort of mistake being made due to sleep deprivation. If we have a busy night, we manage our downtime accordingly. You learn quick. The benefit of such a sought-after occupation where hundreds compete for few positions? We get to hire some pretty special individuals.

24's and 48's come with many benefits. Firefighters can live in more affordable locales and commute (many, many firefighters cannot afford to live in the communities they serve), firefighters can work second jobs (you know, so the city doesn't have to overpay us as much), less administration needed due to easier staffing, the overtime budget is lower, a more content workforce, better crew cohesion and bonding, better family life (and in turn mental health).

There are some departments that are just too busy for 48's and maybe even 24's, for sure. NYFD can't do 48/96. But for many, it is a great way to go for the worker, the Department, and the taxpayer.
I love the 48s. Sure, a 24/72 or Seattle schedule would be the dream but being able to spend 20 days a month with my family ain’t a bad trade off, even when we get crushed both nights coming off.
Dec 13, 2023
I'm always curious about folks who have the stance of your last sentence...

Why are they overpaid? Doesn't it seem the folks cutting the checks to them must feel they are worth it?

Do you think that if they weren't being paid that money it would somehow make it's way to the salaries of folks you find more deserving?
Healthcare workers?
Those two, for me, are a pretty good toss up.
I've had teachers AND healthcare workers who were superb. I've also known some who needed a career change.

Actors! They make millions living a lie! Caught up in a world of "make believe" as if they are 2 year olds.
....and most of them live in a drug/alcohol addled world of arrogant self importance.
They are sociopathic morons whose entire role in life is to make you believe a lie!
ALOT of entertainers are that way.
Just my opinion.

Professional athletes?
Paid $700,000,000.00 just to play a game!?
No wonder Average Joe can't take his kids to see a game games!
I got blessed with a set of tickets to a Rangers/Twins game. Got to see Nolan Ryan pitch! 👍
Not bad seats! About 5 rows up from the field between home and 1st base.
About the 5th inning, about 80% of the fans around us were fairly soused on $5/cup beer and the language would make a sailor blush!
The kids were having a blast, but I was ready to fight the entire stadium!
I won't talk like that around my wife and kids........😡!

IMO, no professional athlete is worth over $250k annually and must possess at least a BS in something besides "Basket Weaving" or "Art Appreciation"!

Again, just my opinion!


Sep 21, 2021
People may think they're overpaid, until they need them. Then they aren't paid near enough.
Dec 13, 2023
People may think they're overpaid, until they need them. Then they aren't paid near enough.
.....and I've had some LEO's show up that shudda just stayed in the donut shop! They made the whole situation worse just by being there! 😖

My kids are both LEO's.
As much as I love 'em, I've tried to tell 'em. You might have a gun and a badge, but you still ain't Superman! You're just another human being in a uniform. You're not a "God in Blue"!
They're both humble, but won't put up with nonsense.

True story, daylight shift came on duty. We went through "role call" and the whole nine yards. Half of the force went to "Daylight Diner" for breakfast. One of them noticed the guy cooking had an outstanding warrant.
They arrested the guy and threw him in the local lockup!
THEN......they all go BACK to Daylight Diner and have breakfast! 😜