Archery vs upper body lifting


Oct 17, 2013
Great Falls MT
My work schedule day to day is crazy. Normal day at the office for me is 12 hours on the road living out of a hotel.
So how do y'all balance your shooting vs fitness? Especially upper body strength training vs shooting?
Seems counter productive to lift and be too sore to shoot.
Last August I was able to get up way early and shoot before work then cardio/legs in the evening for an hour.
Shooting a real bow I think there's an even greater importance to shoot rather than lift upper body.

I kind of wondered all over the place with this like always in my posts...

Thanks boys.
Soreness has never been an issue for me. Fatigue in the shoulders can be a problem. When that happens I just put the bow down. I usually get up and shoot in the mornings before work. Just wake up a half hour earlier everyday should give plenty of time if you do it every day.
I think strength training is paramount to archery and vice versa. I just know I can't always shoot right after working out.
Shoot right after you workout, just don't do this all the time. It's a good way to mimic real hunt conditions as you will most likely be somewhat fatigued during the hunt. Your muscles will be really warmed up and your heart rate will be elevated. You may not shoot as steady but you won't be steady chasing elk up the mountain either. On a leg day or day you run, go shoot.
If you are traveling a lot depending on what the hotel gym has to offer you could get a set of resistance bands and do a lot of stuff just in your room.
Been there done that for going on 10 years....travelled really heavily early in my career. Google prison workouts since that is basically what you are mirroring and there are some damn fit prisoners on the other side. I'm no fitness experts but I have my own routine and here are some tips I've accumulated:

Room bodyweight exercises: Pushups, squats, lunges, burpees, calf raises, yoga type stuff (what I call a bunch of core work I do - planks, side planks....I don't know what half of this shit is called even but I have a routine). Use furniture and stuff creatively to make gravity work against you. Use whatever is on hand to add weight for squats and stuff. Packs, suitcases, furniture, whatever. Work in some isometric and plyometric stuff.

Find a place to do pullups - hotel gym, exposed beams, tree limbs, whatever. Pretty sure that different variations of pullups and pushups cover 99% of your archery muscle groups.

Others - interval running, pickup bball games, stadium/skyscraper stairs, creative places to do dips (wheelchair ramps with bars are great). Sometimes you end up looking like a total idiot doing stuff, but who the hell cares.