Archery Elk hunting Solo in grizzly country.

I hunt solo in grizzly country of Idaho. I carry spray, glock 20, and a Garmin inreach. I always have a tourniquet, pressure dressing, and quick clot gauze and enough tape to turn my trekking poles into a splint if needed. I am training goats to make future pack outs quicker and easier so I can get them done in one load in the future.
I hunt solo in grizzly country of Idaho. I carry spray, glock 20, and a Garmin inreach. I always have a tourniquet, pressure dressing, and quick clot gauze and enough tape to turn my trekking poles into a splint if needed. I am training goats to make future pack outs quicker and easier so I can get them done in one load in the future.

That is the main issue to me. The hunting part is ok, but what happens after a kill is the part that gets dicey. I've been in the SW this year(killed two nice bulls), but I'll be back in WY next year in grizz country. Trying to figure out a plan to hunt where I want, but also be able to get a bull out of the mts solo safely. It's not something that is overwhelming, but it's also something you have to be mindful of. Certainly not an area or hunt for someone who is not prepared.
Not tent camping in griz country is a plus for you. I'd hope the elk fell in an area where I could start a decent fire assuming it was already past dusk, if it was still light out I would straight up get to cutting. Gutless method would free up the meat quickly in order to get bagged and hung away from carcass. I've hunted in griz country while solo, never downed one while alone.. but this was my thought process if I got lucky.
Just camped in grizzly country with my two son's, but did hunt by myself a few afternoons and walked back to camp after dark. I always had my sidearm with me, but lets face it if a grizzly charged you walking out in the dark your going to take a good mauling trying to get your pistol out. Unless you can get him in a head lock while drawing your pistol. We packed out an elk and got it back to camp around midnight, definitely was on my mind going to sleep that night with all that meat and clothes smelling like a rutting bull. But luckily no issues tried to keep a clean camp, always had my sidearm with me and really never thought much about bears and slept like a baby every night.
I hunt on the edge of Yellowstone. I try very hard to have someone with me. I don’t shoot past 2:00pm. I don’t camp solo in there. I see bears about every other hunt.

I have friends that refuse to hunt in there bc the bear population has increased so much.
It’s not only the bears you have to worry about. This guy stalked up three feet behind me sitting in camp. After he would not leave we had to kill him. Montana game and Fish came out and did the report.


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Hey Grfox92,

I am in the same area of wyoming. If you are looking for someone dependable to chase archery elk this fall in Grizz country shoot me a message. I can assure you I won’t flake out. I lived in The bush in inland Alaska for two years and dealt with Mr. grizz quite a bit. The big difference being that they are hunted up there. I have the same concerns that you have going in alone. It’s no game in there and it would be great to have a dedicated partner.
Shoot me a pm sir. I wouldn’t mind teaming up. I’m headed up close to there this weekend to do some scouting.
All good! I understand. Just message me when you can. I definitely would like a partner as hardcore as I am to tag team that range. The wife really doesn’t want me going in there alone lol.
I've hunted the Bob Marshall, and used a solar powered electric fence at night for peace of mind. My partner and I separated one evening, and he was charged by a mother grizzly that had two cubs. Luckily, he was able to spray her at 10 feet and she retreated. I've never seen someone more scared/traumatized in my life.

Needless to say, it definitely had an impact on how hard we hunted the remainder of the week.
Been in your partner's boots, experienced his mindset. Stick bow hunt, 1985-37 years ago. NW Montana.
However I came back to camp, told friend hunting with me that I was leaving and never coming back to NW MT. Having witnessed the charge from 300 yards above me on a ridgeline, He agreed.
We packed up and hiked out that afternoon. In hindsight, with all the grizz sign, scat around, we should've moved several miles to another area. But the elk were there, so was Grizz.
Although tempted over the years, never went back. From what I read, many more Grizz now than back then.

In WY a few years back, it was find elk/find grizz signs, move to another area, find elk/find grizz...repeat.
We experienced several grizz encounters, but from a distance. 1 bluff charge that bear stopped 60 yards away but that ol' chill went down my spine.

My buddy in hunter's heaven now a couple years. I will not hunt solo in grizz country.
The hunting solo would be challenging, ever try being bear aware and elk conscious at the same time, not EZ.
Be alert when calling elk, mixing in calf calls may be ringing the dinner bell.
After the shot, solo meat processing sequence is roll the dice, odds in favor of Grizz house.
IMHO, get as much prime meat packed out the 1st trip, the first might be the last meat packing trip.
OP- get a partner, your kids will thank you. My sons and I hunt just outside YS and last year had 3 close encounters with griz, no charges. Solo just isn't worth it in high density griz areas IMO. Statistics show much higher likelihood of being attacked when alone, two people not so much, three almost never.
I appreciate this thread a ton, I’m headed to southwest Montana this year for an archery elk hunt. Luckily my dad is tagging a long and the area I’m hunting isn’t supposed to be “high density” though I’m going in prepared. Buying a new pistol (.45 auto) and will have bear spray on me at all times. In Washington I’ve never had to worry about bears too much, this will be a whole new experience for me.
I appreciate this thread a ton, I’m headed to southwest Montana this year for an archery elk hunt. Luckily my dad is tagging a long and the area I’m hunting isn’t supposed to be “high density” though I’m going in prepared. Buying a new pistol (.45 auto) and will have bear spray on me at all times. In Washington I’ve never had to worry about bears too much, this will be a whole new experience for me.
Get some quality ammo for the 45 if you take it. The only thing regular self defense ammo will do in that caliber is ease your suffering.