Archery and Hunting have no place in the schools

FYI update on this. Big loss for the hunt quietly guys. Now all these stupid rando kids are gonna be back in hunter education and clogging up their trailheads! (it's just a joke. well, kinda...)

edit: updated w/ better link

Help me understand something. If we are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and all but one legislator voted for this subsequent bill, how in the hell did the original bill get passed? How was it enacted in the first place?

Doesn’t it seem like the actual legislative process has been woefully absent across the board over the last few years? Dunno, maybe I’m cynical…or maybe there is an election around the corner and these knuckleads need a ‘win’ for the book…
Help me understand something. If we are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and all but one legislator voted for this subsequent bill, how in the hell did the original bill get passed? How was it enacted in the first place?

Doesn’t it seem like the actual legislative process has been woefully absent across the board over the last few years? Dunno, maybe I’m cynical…or maybe there is an election around the corner and these knuckleads need a ‘win’ for the book…
We most certainly no longer have a government of, by, or for the people.

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